March_2015_newsletter_bannerHi Chris,

If there ever was a time for you to start following your passion, NOW is certainly that time.

And if the idea of it is still daunting to you, remember that every expert was once a beginner. The humble beginnings of BWD are testimony to exactly that. Click on the picture below to see my SABC interview and learn a little but about how my dream turned into a digital advertising agency. (Albeit explained a little nervously).



Words that really speak to me are those of Dalai Lama the XIV: “Share your knowledge; it’s a way to achieve immortality.” I was fortunate enough to share some of my knowledge at my first public speaking gig for the year at Hot Tables hosted by Business Engage.


My chat was mainly about entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs often feel isolated as they usually start working on their own at first. It’s über cool for them to find out that if Plan A is not working, there are still 25 other letters in the alphabet…

You can view the event pictures here.

I really find it inspirational to be in a position to empower others with the information I have gained over the years. And more than often we also learn while we’re teaching. So if you need a public speaker on the topics of entrepreneurship or digital advertising, please feel free to press on my button. I will be speaking for free for the next three years.


An invitation: We still offer free studio photo-shoots on the last Tuesday of every month. Click here to book your free session. This month’s session will be taking place on the 31st of March 2015.


Bongani Gosa
Creative Director (Breeze Website Designers)
phone: 011 321 0193


You’ve just heard someone mention, “Content Marketing” and you have a fair idea of what “content” is and what “marketing” is right?


Well a little wrong, Content Marketing is an umbrella term covering a set of strategies, techniques and tactics in creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

Let focus on the keywords of this Definition:



The content marketing strategy should be located within the overall marketing strategy of the business and not be a standalone marketing initiative.

The goals for content marketing should be derived from the business goals, and content marketing can be used as a tool to achieve these goals.



Have you heard of these tools?

  • Blogging
  • E-Books
  •  Video
  • Infographics
  • Presentations
  •  Social media
  • Email marketing
  • PR
  • Webinars
  • Testimonials
  • SEO

I am sure we have all come across these tools at some point, however having a content marketing strategy will ensure there is a common thread communicating a singular business message, with customer acquisition at the forefront of all marketing activity.



  • Slideshare
  • Youtube
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Survey Monkey
  • Mailchimp
  • Podcast
  • LinkedIn
  • Hellopeter
  • RSS Feeds


Without the proper promotion and distribution of your content, you’re likely to find your content marketing ineffective and simply not worth the time, money and effort.



Everything about a brand’s content, marketing and communication efforts is about its customers and what’s important to them.

Content is bigger than ever for brands, getting the right mix of valuable, relevant and consistent content is powerful and is really changing the rules, and challenging traditional media owners at their own game.

As evidenced by market leaders like Red Bull, which has amassed over 1bn views and has over 4 million subscribers to their content on Youtube.

Red Bulls’ success has propelled them to even start their own publishing company, this is the power of content marketing now Red Bull is able to charge their fans to view their content essentially they monetizing their content.


Target Market

First off, you need to know who your audience is.

Effective content marketing requires brands to watch, listen, and learn what content and messages consumers find engaging and where it is capturing their attention.

To create targeted content, you need the appropriate messaging to shepherd that audience through every step in the customer journey.

Targeted content that reflects a deep understanding of who your audience is will resonate with potential customers and ultimately help get them to buy.



Content marketing is not a miracle potion.

It works because it takes a considerable amount of information and effort, when executed well and leads to a roaring success for brands that do it well.

Content marketing creates something of value for your audience that helps them make decisions around whether to buy from you, or use your services, or whatever your business goals are.

Content can help you forge bonds, inspire engagement, and amplify relationships to new levels of scale.

Most companies are not doing real content marketing….yet. That’s why you’ll have an advantage if you jump in NOW!

How do you Get Started?


Contact BWD we offer Content Marketing services, often paired with SEO or PR.






Let’s face it; the first thing that attracts you to someone is not his or her personality.


Searching for a client on the Internet can very well be compared to online dating. You ain’t even going to click on that profile if the person’s photo isn’t attractive. Superficial, some may say. But nevertheless true. Besides, is it really that shallow? Because can’t one argue that what is happening on the inside will show up on the outside too?

Bottom line is that the same applies for your company. If your website doesn’t appeal to your target audiences aesthetically, they assume you’re not professional. And more often than not they write you off before you’ve even had a chance to show them what you can do for them.

Admittedly, looks is not the only thing that counts in the end though right? To build a lasting relationship with someone, most of us want it all. The whole package: looks, intelligence and personality.

So as important as it is for your website to attract your target audience straight away, you need to consider all the elements that will make them coming back for more again and again as well. And the all important must-have trio for any successful website is design, content and hosting.


‘Okay you’re cover boy pretty…With an ugly heart.’

A pretty face can only get you so far, as echoed in the lyrics of one of the latest popular hits ‘Ugly Heart.’ While we cannot overemphasise the importance of professional, catchy web design to catch your target audience’s eye in the first place, it is what lies beneath that will force them to look deeper and start engaging with you. This is why content is king. People need to get to know YOU. And like you enough to want to take it further. Not only is it important for all those you are trying to attract, but it is also monitored and measured by Google’s search engines. Simply put, the better quality content you have, the better your chances of getting ranked higher by Google. This is critical for you, because you want to become one of those companies who pop up first when someone starts to look for the kind of service you render.


But what if I don’t know how to express myself?

Not everyone is extrovert, exceptional communicators, or wordsmiths for that matter. So even though you may rock at what you’re doing, you may very well not know how to best tell people that. And rest assured that if this indeed is the case, you will join the ranks of many others. It is for this very reason that there is even a job description such as a copywriter in the first place. So while you might understand your business better than anyone else, it is well worth your while to invest in getting your message across properly- with the help of a professional. Especially if you consider that you’re competing for attention with a whole horde of other companies out there.


Tips for courting your potential clients.

Don’t come on too strong, too fast. Just like in dating, if you overwhelm the person with too much information right from the start, they’ll turn on their heels and run. Break your content up into bite size pieces that are easy to digest online, with an option to click and read more if the reader is indeed keen on digging a bit deeper.

Don’t beat around the bush. Your website should be user-friendly. Lately people are over stimulated with information on a daily basis so they will avoid overly complex. The same applies for your content. Keep it short, sweet and simple. Make it easy for people to understand exactly what you’re offering, what benefits it holds, how you offer it and why they should use you. And make sure they know exactly where to find you.

Be real. People just don’t appreciate pompous or stuffy anymore. Besides, in our sunny Mzansi the majority of people don’t speak English as a first language. So don’t think for one second that ripping out the Oxford dictionary and using words that no one understands will impress. On the contrary, you’ll lose your audience. Keep it light and conversational. Yes, the quality, usefulness and realness of your message are key. But you don’t need big words to make it clear that you know your stuff.

Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Think about what you would like to see and know if you were on the receiving end of this potential relationship. Make sure you address those nice-to-haves and need-to-haves adequately. Too many start bragging about themselves immediately and fail to show how they can touch the lives of their audiences instead.

Weigh your words. When vying for online attention, you need to understand the rules of online courtship. The fact that you’re playing space is Google, is one of your greatest challenges. You need to make sure you include the keywords that people will search for in your content. So in case you think I’m speaking Greek, let me explain. Let’s say you decide you want to sound all fancy and you decide to describe yourself as a floriculturist. Then no one is going to find you, because the word they will typically type in on the Google search bar will most likely be ‘gardener.’ There is luckily a way to find out what people search for in your space and your website designers will know how. So make sure that it is given some serious consideration.

Show your personality. Okay, so no one wants to come across as too arrogant. But the tipping point that eventually determines whether you get chosen or not, will be your personality and the strengths that you can bring to the party. The smarts call this the ‘reputation economy’ that we are now moving into. Studies are proving that it is becoming more important for people to know why you do what you do, than what you actually do. Show what moves and drives you and how you touch the world you move in. Showcase your strengths and differences, albeit humbly.


Keep the conversation going.

Don’t let your website be this static, boring entity that never evolves or never has something new to report. Keep your audience interested by keeping the conversation going. Share useful, interesting, funny or fuzzy information about you and your business with them to keep the relationship alive. A very good way to do this- is through a blog, or a ‘what’s new’ section where you constantly update what’s new, what’s hip and happening. Besides, Google luuurves regular, fresh content, especially blogs. And they should ideally be around 750 words or more.

If you take all of the above into consideration, you will increase your chances of getting more hits on your website. More importantly, you’ll up your chances of being right up there when people are looking for someone like you- significantly. Happy online business dating!





Ever wondered why little kids are always glued to the TV screen when their favorite cartoon shows are on? It’s because ever since the invention of television in the late 1920s people have been amazed by video footage. It quickly became its own art form and later transformed into one of the most useful tools in the branding industry.

Working at a company like Breeze Website Designers (BWD), allows me to experience every aspect of the website creation process. One of the biggest objectives for a website is to increase conversion rates, this means more people viewing your site and knowing about your business.


Beneficial Advantages of a Video Landing Page

A very good way of increasing your conversion rates is by adding a video to your landing page. A video captures the viewer’s attention for longer periods of time and decreases the bounce rate of your site. Most of us have grown up watching TV, if we didn’t like what we saw we would simply change the channel. Nowadays we need to have a couple of options to keep people intrigued and interested. You can’t go wrong with good quality animations and motion graphics. Other options are simplistic design or using high-resolution footage for your landing page.

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Keep it Simple and Direct

Viewers don’t really want to put in a lot of effort, so it is advised that you make it as simple as possible for them to find out about your business. Adding a clear and direct call to action at the end of your video will suggest an objective to the user, this will clear up any confusion about your product and allow the user to simply interact with your company.

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The Trust Factor

You should add a couple of trust indicators into your video such as your name, testimonials and quotes from previous clients or even a picture of yourself, this will establish a trust factor between you and the viewer, as they will see that your company has a personality and not just think of it as a corporate machine. It will also make the customer more comfortable with your company and give them the confidence to approach you.

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Short is Sweet

This is the tricky part; your video needs to be short but informative and at the same time it has to pack a punch visually. Keeping your video short allows for it to be loaded quicker on your page, this is beneficial as the user won’t have any trouble watching your video.

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Call to Action

Add a call to action (CTA) to your video that is relevant to your business. This can be permanently visible, or be shown at strategic times throughout the video, or be presented right at the end.

Good CTA’s include things like:

  • Inviting engagement with your brand’s social channels through a dedicated hashtag or asking people to “join the conversation”.
  • Competition giveaway – “enter to win”. This is a very easy way to generate response to your brand!
  • Asking viewers to vote in a poll on your website.
  • Access to a “free trial” of your product or service.
  • Webinar invites – “sign up here.”
  • Entice the viewer to “watch another video.”

When done the right way, video explainers can impact your business’ flow in massive amounts. It’s just a question of how much you want to invest in your marketing budget.


For excellent quality explainer videos contact [dt_button size=”small” style=”” animation=”none” color_mode=”default” icon=”” icon_align=”left” color=”””” target_blank=”true”]Breeze Website Designers[/dt_button] and start expanding your business today.


Wherefore art thou, it’s a simple question with has been dramatically asked, the world over, but contrary to popular belief, wherefore art thou actually means “why” and not “where”. All right…all right I’ll spare you the rest of this 30 seconds trivia, and get down to the real reason you’ve stumbled into this lovely part of the interweb, “Why do you art?” but more importantly why would your office “art”?


From experienced pros to fresh faced graduates, most business professionals are constantly weighing up their decisions against their ROI, or return on investment. Hang around enough business types and you’ll have the phrase permanently etched in your mind. The concept is simple, I do “X” now, because it will yield “Y” later, and hopefully X > Y. It’s a great guideline to follow, is simple, and logical, but its also limiting. It does not allow one to look beyond directly measurable outcomes, which is where the concept of ROE comes in. Forbes’ Victor Lipman describes ROE or return on environment as, subtle but beneficial changes to ones environment.


A meticulously created piece of modern art or funky wallpaper are far more than just pretty pictures, or conversation starters. Countless studies have corroborated the belief that ones environment has a direct impact their productivity, creativity, and stress levels. In fact the boffins over at the Business Committee for the Arts and the International Association for Professional Art, ran a study among 800 people in 32 different companies, the results of which reveal that 84% stated that workspace art boosted productivity whilst 73 % requested more art in their offices, because they felt that it had a positive effect on their motivation.


Imagine for a moment that you have strode into your doctors office and to your surprise the walls are adorned with posters of Justin Bieber and 1960’s death metal bands, not that I have anything against death metal (ROCK ON!!!), but you get the point. You will undoubtedly start to question the person about to give you life altering medical advice…wouldn’t you? Much like a logo or a slogan, a company’s office is an extension of their brand, it lends credence and credibility to what you are trying to say about the company and the people that work there.


Straight up investment.


The more traditionally inclined amongst you maybe thinking that these new age liberal theories aren’t enough to convince to stake your hard earned money on something like office art, well to you madam or mister I say 300 000 000. Yes $300 million(with an M), That is approximately how much French post impressionist artist Paul Gauguin’s “Nafea Faa Ipoipo” sold for. Granted not every piece of art around the office is going to sell for such astronomical prices, but investing in art is far more compelling than splurging on the little red sports car, besides a new William Kentridge raises less suspicions of a mid life crises, than a new Porsche (It’ll probably hold it value better to). If you ask me investing your money into gorgeous new oil on canvas is a more sound business decision than gambling it away on the volatile stock markets or shady hedge funds…I mean its all fun and games until someone crashes the global economy.


Everyone can write! Right? Well … some perhaps not as arrestingly as others. Or as creatively. Or judiciously. Or concisely. Getting to the point, the job of the copywriter isn’t always as easy as often thought!


We ruminate over single words. We labour over sentences. And it can take hours to find just the right four words for a catchy one-liner. Seriously.

Like, right now, I don’t know whether to use “numb” or “blank” to describe my brain figuring out what the next sentence is going to be …

  1. Got it: in a creative studio, the job of the copywriter is to “marry” the graphics with the message. Our words enhance the visual content, so that the readers see the full picture.

Of course, depending on the medium, we need to hone our skills. Context is everything. Websites call for keyword-rich copy that isn’t wordy or repetitive. Above-the-line adverts require tight, clever punchlines. Editorial gives us an opportunity to be a bit more verbose. Blogging demands a personal voice. And so it goes. And – add to that the audience demographics. A print ad for niche financial services aint gonna go down well in SMS-speak, and a website for wedding planners needs to be pretty and practical rather than prescriptive.


(See what I did there? In addition to being descriptive I used alliteration and it’s attention-grabbing – clever, huh?!)


Good writing is about more than just knowing lots of good words. It’s about being able to convey a specific message via a targeted medium to a particular audience in a way that’ll make them sit up and take notice. And remember what you’re saying. You know that new ad, the one with the sexy chick and the car – the one where she’s saying … um … what was it again …? Know what I mean?


The marketplace is glutted with messages. Consumers are inundated with campaigns every which way they look, and the trick for communicators – designers and wordsmiths working together – is to create something that stands out. Something that speaks to the consumer in a meaningful way.


Which takes me right back to my opening premise. Not everyone can do it right.


But the joy of the craft is that us copywriters get paid to do what we love – play endlessly with the English language. Go figure. (And, bring it on!)

Designing a new corporate identity from scratch can be quite a challenge, as there are numerous factors and elements that must be taken into consideration. The identity of your business can have a profound effect on how the business is represented and perceived, which can in turn play a role in either the success or failure of your company.

This article is aimed to inform you of the processes and steps that a designer needs to follow to create your corporate identity, as well as a few tips to evaluate the strength of your corporate identity.



The logo forms the basis of your corporate identity. To effectively conceptualise a logo that captures the very essence of what your company is about, your designer first needs to obtain as much information about you and your business as possible. Background research is therefore an essential part of the process that needs to take place before design can even commence.

Through conducting extensive research about the space that you operate within, the designer’s mind will open up to new ideas that will aid the design process and ensure the he or she conceptualises a unique and authentic concept for your identity.



Research proves, that in modern times, audiences connect with brand personalities, even more than with its services. It is therefore crucial for you to help the designer understand what your brand stands for and what your brand objectives are, right from the word go.

Amongst others, the brand objectives involve your company’s beliefs, philosophy, character and image. It speaks to how you engage with your world and how they experience you. Ultimately strong brands build trust, instil customer loyalty and lead to repeat business.



The logo is no doubt one of the most important elements of your corporate identity, as it is designed to evoke instant recognition. Your logo can make a substantial contribution towards clearly differentiating you from your competition. Plus, it gives the buyer or client insight into who and what your company is about.

If designed intelligently, a logo is therefore an element that can communicate the overall character of the company, almost instantly. It is also a powerful visual tool to attract potential clients and communicate the key positioning of your business in a snapshot.



Choosing the right font, whether it is for your company website or corporate elements, can have a profound effect on the overall look and feel of your corporate identity.

Helvetica is an example of one of the most common fonts used by designers because it conforms to the principle of ‘less is more.’ The typeface and the logo go hand in hand when it comes to the reflection of your company’s value and character.

The most important factor for choosing the right typeface, is that it needs to be easily readable, whether it is on a website or in print. A stunning font that is aesthetically pleasing but difficult to read, will defeat the purpose of a logo completely, as it will make it harder for people to understand what your company is about and let them lose interest in the process.


Colour scheme

This may not seem so important but the colours you choose also make a bold statement about your company and how you run your business. When you consider your colour combinations, make sure it represents your corporate values and strategy. A good example is using green as one of your primary colours if your business revolves around environmentally sustainable products. This is because it is a colour that is associated with anything eco-friendly.


Quality in any design is very important. If your company offers great quality products or services, there is a greater likelihood for clients to return to you for repeat business. But quality is a combination of the services you render and the client’s perception of you. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the quality of your company is reflected in your corporate image and designs as well.

High quality designs can have a long-lasting impression on your company’s clients which may very well lead to refer other clients to you as well. And as we all know; few things instil confidence like a word-of-mouth referral. Best of all, it is a form of marketing that is completely free!

So next time you need to have a corporate identity designed, do take these pointers into consideration to evaluate whether the identity truly communicates who and what your business is about, and whether it will yield the business results you are aiming for.


Agency Roles

In a successful design agency, it is vitally important to remember that marketing positions do not follow the same recruitment specification as the in-house recruitment strategy. There usually isn’t just one individual dealing with clients but a few people with different specialties would need to manage various clients and address their needs.

When one thinks of a design agency, you might have visions of a creative environment – a space where a collective of talented, cool, creative hipsters produce innovative solutions. These solutions are what generate leads for your business, which is ultimately the objective of partnering with an agency.

To understand how important this all is, we need to understand how this type of agency works.

Creative Director

To begin with, you need a head honcho. This is someone who has been there, done that and got the massive 27” iMac (with the fastest processor). This person is responsible for the quality of work produced and steering a team of creatives. It takes many years of experience to get to this position. This wonderful person, who can also be quite scary at times, we know as the Creative Director. It may appear that the Creative Director falls victim to making rash decisions at times, but they recognize the value of following other’s instincts. This individual can identify the root of a problem and understand different perspectives. They are an inspiration to those around them and are well respected by people they work with.

To assume the position of Creative Director (or CD for short), you would be required to have a bachelor’s degree and/or related work experience. A recent IAB SA study revealed that the average salary for a CD is R48 688.

Chief Technology Officer

A chief technology officer (CTO), sometimes known as a chief technical officer, is an executive-level position in a company or other entity whose occupant is focused on scientific and technological issues within an organization. is also, responsible for overseeing all technical aspects of the company… Using an active practical approach , a CTO will direct all employees in IT and IO department to attain the company’s strategic goals established in the company’s strategic plans.

In the position of Chief technology Officer , you would be required to have this skills and qualifications: Advanced IT Knowledge, Critical Thinking, Interpersonal Skills, Motivator, Technological Analysis, Website Development, Research, Business, Computational Skills, Excellent Written and Oral Communication Skills, Public Speaking, Presentations, Team Building, Industry Knowledge, IT Terminology, Client Management

A recent IAB SA study revealed that the average salary for CTO is R50 625

Head of Department

The term Head of Department applies to appointed post holders who have responsibility for either an academic department or school. Heads of Department are appointed by and are responsible to the Pro-Vice Chancellor Faculty (PVCF).The Head of Department is required to lead, manage and develop the department to ensure it achieves the highest possible standards of excellence in all its activities. They will be supported by the PVC Faculty, and by colleagues from within the department, and central services.

have a very strong academic record and standing, normally be at professorial level – although skills and aptitude will be more important ,have a very good understanding of the academic disciplines within the department. Skills

• have the ability to engage constructively with people

• have excellent communication skills

• have very good ambassadorial and diplomatic skills

• have the ability to manage a number of competing demands

All Heads of Department are required to exercise leadership, demonstrate vision, and empower others in order to deliver the agreed departmental strategy within the Faculty. On average, a HOD earns R44153.

Operational Director

Operations Directors ( or OD)develop and implement strategic plans to increase efficiency and effectiveness within a business, organization, or institution. These executives are commonly next in charge after the chief operating officer and chief executive officer. Operations director positions also might be available in middle management or within different branches or departments; these directors generally have the same responsibilities as those in upper management but on a smaller scale. Although job descriptions for operations directors vary by industry, in general, these workers ensure that a business functions smoothly.

Employers typically seek operations director candidates with strong negotiation, organization, communication, problem-solving, and leadership skills. A bachelor’s degree in business, finance, management or economics is required for entry into this career. on average, OD earns R52 431.

Operation Manager 

An operations manager is a senior role which involves overseeing the production of goods and/or provision of services. It’s an operations manager’s job to make sure an organisation is running as well as it possibly can, with a smooth efficient service that meets the expectations and needs of customers and clients. An Operations Manager earns an average salary of R36 097 per month The skills that increase pay for this job the most are Inventory Management, Budget Management, Logistics, Production Management, and Project Management.

Operations managers also have to do a lot of liaising with other team members, including interacting with managers of different areas of the organization, presenting findings to stakeholders and higher management as well as training and supervising new employees and tracking and measuring staff performance.

Personal Assistant/Receptionist

support the work of managers and company directors for whom they are employed to undertake a variety of administrative, clerical and managerial tasks. Personal assistants often act as the manager’s first point of contact. Typical responsibilities of the job include: answering telephone calls. visitors by greeting them, in person or on the telephone; answering or referring inquiries. Directs visitors by maintaining employee and department directories; giving instructions. Maintains security by following procedures; monitoring logbook; issuing visitor badges.

An personal assistant/Receptionist earns an average salary of R15 243 per month

Office Manager 

Office Managers, also called administrative service managers, are business professionals who are responsible for a diverse set of administrative tasks. Whether calculating payroll or hiring new employees, office managers must perform their duties with decisiveness and accuracy for a business to perform well. Maintains office services by organizing office operations and procedures; preparing payroll; controlling correspondence; designing filing systems; reviewing and approving supply requisitions; assigning and monitoring clerical functions.

Set goals for the group, and decides which work has to be done to meet the goals set , they set goal objectives. secondly, Organizes. The Manager divides the work into manageable activities, and selects people to accomplish the tasks that need to be done. earns around R16 625 per month.

Should have this qualifications :Supply Management, Informing Others, Tracking Budget Expenses, Delegation, Staffing, Managing Processes, Supervision, Developing Standards, Promoting Process Improvement, Inventory Control, Reporting Skills

Project Administrator/Assistant

Project administrators handle a number of functions involved in the continued operations of an enterprise. … Depending on the size and scope of a project, a project administrator may be responsible for all operations or only a portion, reporting to an overseeing project manager …A project administrator is a professional who organizes the necessary team members and specializes in facilitating, reporting and analyzing projects under the supervision of a project manager. Earns an average of R19 792. duties of a Project assistant maintaining and integrating project plan , tracking & reporting overall progress and administering the project budget.

Project Manager

A project manager is a professional in the field of project management. Project managers can have the responsibility of the planning, execution and closing of any project, typically relating to construction industry, architecture, aerospace and defense, computer networking, telecommunications or software development. The Role of the Project Manager. A project manager is a person who has the overall responsibility for the successful initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project. … Most of the issues that impact a project result in one way or another from risk. On average PM earns R28 833.

Project Director 

Project Director is responsible for the overall execution of the fieldwork surrounding a research initiative. The Project Director works directly with the client to develop the project schedule, define the research instrument (moderator’s guide, questionnaire, etc.), develop an analysis plan and coordinate all communications. Internally, Project Directors manage company or vendor resources ensuring the quality, timeliness and accuracy of deliverables. Project Directors are typically involved with multiple concurrent initiatives. earns an average of R42 847. Project director responsibility includes:

  • Communicating and developing relationships with clients
  • Developing moderator guides and designing surveys
  • Developing and managing project schedules and budgets
  • Formulating analysis plans


A strategist is a person with responsibility for the formulation and implementation of a strategy. Strategy generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). The senior leadership of an organization is generally tasked with determining strategy. Strategy can be intended or can emerge as a pattern of activity as the organization adapts to its environment or competes. It involves activities such as strategic planning and strategic thinnking and earns an average of R31612

Working as part of a digital agency, the strategist planner develops and presents strategic marketing recommendations for a range of clients. Reporting to a senior strategist, and multi-tasking over a number of projects, the role is a busy one, ensuring quality is never compromised.

Usability Specialists

A usability specialist, also called a usability analyst, ensures that products meet the usability and reliability requirements of the companies that make them. In many cases, a person in this field also works to ensure that products are enjoyable to consumers. Often, usability specialists work on technical products, such as computer software and hardware, but companies may call on them for other types of projects as well. Earns an average of R28 958.

As a usability specialist, you’ll typically need customer service, research and analysis skills. You’ll also need good communication and writing skills. In addition, you’ll research new technologies and current trends to anticipate consumer needs. The job requires imagination to think of ways of improving your company’s products.

Market research & insight specialist

Market research analysts gather and analyze data on consumers and competitors. Market research analysts study market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service. They help companies understand what products people want, who will buy them, and at what price. Qualification BSc in Market Research, Business, Marketing or a related field, or an equivalent combination of experience and training; MSc Market Research or MBA are preferred. Alternatively, market insight can be defined as the attempt to discover a penetrating truth about consumers, their aspirations and motivations which can in turn be used to generate growth. earns an average of R33 195.

Analytics Specialist

The Analytics Specialist is responsible for developing information driven insights to help identify trends and opportunities and provide solutions based on these insights Perform data research and prepare analytical reports to monitor our performance and identifying areas for improvement so that we can better understand our client needs. Develop informative forecasts, create predictive models, and perform data mining using various analytical tools such as Google Analytics, Omniture/Sitecatalyst, comScore, and WebTrends. Perform in-depth analysis and insight into key metrics to improve search engine optimization. Excellent time management skills, with the ability to prioritize and multitask, and work under shifting deadlines in a fast paced environment. Average salary of R29 998

Graphic Designers


Next, you need your amazing Graphic Designers. Those guys and girls that “wave their wands” and beautiful brand identities “magically appear”. This is but, yet not as simple as one would think. Partnering with a group of talented people who are passionate about what they do will benefit you in the long run. These are people who will take your brand under their wing and make something beautiful out of it. earns an average of R21 903


Now, this may all sound like something straight out of a fairytale book.   Making it sound like one will need a helping hand from the one and the only, Copywriter. What is a copywriter you ask? Well, a copywriter is known to be a wickedly funny version of Shakespeare. You know, those people who write and you feel as if classical music should be playing in the background. They agonise over which adjective is most appropriate to use. They are exceptionally creative and have a way with words. Copywriters generate the words, slogans and audio scripts for advertising campaigns. Their number one objective is to communicate the benefits of a brand product/service. They have to find a brand’s unique voice and apply that in communicating in an authentic manner with target audiences.

Over the years, the art of copywriting has undergone an evolution (and continues to). Whereas before it was about talking to people, today this has changed. Copywriting is now about creating conversation and dialogues with audiences. The progression of digital technology also means that copywriters are no longer just writing for a human audience. They are now also writing for search engines. On average, a copywriter will earn R18 976.

Social Media Managers

This is the person who represents the brand on social media. They are essentially the brand on social platforms. Their day-to-day activity entails creating content, responding to comments, answering questions, and overall management of the brand on all social media platforms. Social Media Managers mostly interact with people who have an established relationship with the brand or have heard of the brand.

Community Managers

This is not the person who is responsible for making sure that the streets are litter free. Nor are they managers of that old age home on the corner down the road. Community Managers‘ main responsibility is to advocate a brand on social networks. They connect with potential customers by creating their own social persona. In this way, they are able to engage with online communities and advocate a brand. average of R16 771 they earn every month

Interface/ front-end designer

A front-end web developer is probably what most people think of as a “web developer”. A front-end web developer is responsible for implementing visual elements that users see and interact with in a web application. They are usually supported by back-end web developers, who are responsible for server-side application logic and integration of the work front-end developers do. on an average of R22 292


Photographers create permanent visual images for an exceptional range of creative, technical and documentary purposes. A professional photographer usually works to a brief set by the client or employer. Examples of image content include wedding, family and baby photographs, fashion, food, architecture and landscapes. A large proportion of professional photographers are self-employed. The remainder work for a variety of employers, including creative businesses, publishers and photographic agencies, or in the education or public sector.

A videographer is part director, part sound man and part editor. You’ll be in charge of the images the public sees on television, on DVDs and on movie screens. You’ll work in the studio, in remote locations, and as a part of the post-production team that edits and prepares movies, television shows and other video productions. working in TV, motion pictures, music video, sports events and documentaries. Earns an average of R16 250 per month.

Art Director

An art director is someone who is responsible for for the visual style and images in magazines, newspaper,product packaging, movies and television productions. They create the overall design and direct others who develop artwork. An art directors duties and tasks may include: working on a brief with copywriter.

Motion Designer/ Animator

An animator is an artist who creates multiple images, known as frames, that give an illusion of movement called animation when displayed in rapid sequence. Animators can work in a variety of fields including film, television, and video games. Animator tent to work on 2D animations, 3D model making animation, stop frame or computer generated animation. and the average salary is R 32 639. The basic skill of animation still relies heavily on artistic ability, but there is an increasing need for animators to be familiar with technical computer packages.

Digital Strategist

If you are thinking a Digital Strategist refers to someone who merely creates Facebook pages, then, unfortunately, that idea will need to be dragged to your memory trash.

A Digital Strategist is the person who consistently works to ensure that the design of a website is aligned to the identified objectives; they have a clear vision approach to a project that strips away any design element. Fundamentally, they come up with the idea, the Designer is the one who facilitates the idea and the Developer executes it. During the website blueprinting stage, the Digital Strategist will make decisions regarding the content of each page and form a hierarchy from the most to the least principal elements.

Digital Strategists are the digital gurus who solve business problems through the use of digital mediums. These people are there to assist clients in achieving their digital goals or assisting them in creating objectives to achieve. They embrace modern advancements and share their knowledge with their clients in return for customer satisfaction. Oh, and of course cash is pretty important too.

Back End Developer- General

back-end web developer is responsible for server-side web application logic and integration of the work front-end developers do. Back-end developers are usually write the web services and APIs used by front-end developers and mobile application developers. General: ‘Behind the scene’ operations center of a business with which the customer rarely comes in contact. Back-end offices or departments provide the services that make up a business function, such as accounting, administration, communications data processing, document handling. See also front end

Back End Developer – Specialist

Back End Developers usually focus on three things on the web: a server, which houses data, a software application, and a database. This role helps these technologies all function properly together. The Back End Developer labors over tasks such as creating code that allows users easier navigation between web pages. on average of R35 139 They are less concerned with the front-end web applications such as setting up an eCommerce page so you can buy things. They create the baseline core computer logic behind a digital presentation, whether it is a website or software package.

Quality assurance Tester

This person is responsible for creating an end-to-end test plan; executing the plan and managing all activities in the plan to ensure that all the objectives are met and that the solution works as expected. The solution should be tested in terms of functionality, performance, reliability, stability and compatibility with other legacy- and / or external systems.Quality Assurance consists of a means of monitoring the software engineering processes and methods used to ensure quality. The methods by which this is accomplished are many and varied, and may include ensuring conformance to one or more standards, such as ISO 9000 or a model such as CMMI.

System Administrator 

Responsible for designing, organizing, modifying, and supporting a company’s computer systems. Designs and installs LANs, WANs, Internet and intranet systems, and network segments. on an average of R25 417. Is responsible for effective provisioning, installation/configuration, operation, and maintenance of systems hardware and software and related infrastructure.Perform network address assignment.

  • Assign routing protocols and routing table configuration.
  • Assign configuration of authentication and authorization of directory services.
  • Maintain network facilities in individual machines, such as drivers and settings of personal computers as well as printers.

IT Manager

information technology staff results by communicating job expectations; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results; coaching, counseling, and disciplining employees; initiating, coordinating, and enforcing systems, policies, and procedures. Maintains information technology strategies by managing staff; researching and implementing technological strategic solutions. Managing information technology and computer systems. Controlling and evaluating IT and electronic data operations.

Media Strategist

The Media Strategist develops paid and non-paid media and strategies, helping to grow a client’s business through a variety of online and social channels. The strategists helps to grow the client’s business and ensuring the team execution meets and exceeds client expectations. In this role, the Strategist insures that the agency provides:

  • Sound and responsible social media / content strategy and planning.
  • Proper and innovative execution of work in all areas on schedule.
  • A consistently superior creative product.

Media Planner

A Media Planner works to maximize the impact of clients’ advertising campaigns through various media channels. They use creative thinking and analysis to develop strategies that ensure campaigns reach appropriate audiences. A Media Planner works with the press, television networks, new media and radio stations to increase brand visibility. Some employers team Media Planners with Media Buyers to develop concise strategies that span across a variety of media outlets.

Media Buyer

A media buyer purchases advertising space in print, outdoor, broadcast, and online outlets, such as magazines, billboards, radio stations, television stations, and websites. They may work for advertising agencies or individual companies.Media buying, a sub function of advertising management, is the procurement of media real estate at an optimal placement and price. The main task of media buying lies within the negotiation of price and placement to ensure the best possible value can be secured for an advertisement.

Paid Search Manager

The Digital Paid Media Manager position is a full-time, on-site role, working with our Online Marketing Team, Copywriters, Project Managers, Strategists, Development Team Members, Designers and Programmers. This person is focused on managing multiple paid digital marketing campaigns across multiple industries.This position is best suited for a candidate with prior online marketing experience. The Digital Paid Media Manager should possess a firm grasp of the primary online marketing strategies: SEO, paid search, social platforms, content marketing, targeting, and retargeting. Additionally, this team member should have a working knowledge of the paid search platforms and campaigns. Excellent communication and research skills are essential to the success of this position. The Digital Paid Media Manager must have the ability to work across multiple accounts on a daily basis, efficiently organizing workflows and delivering on deadlines.

Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others, and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.Affiliate Marketing Manager. Responsibilities: Manage a team of Affiliate Executives, ensuring campaigns are kept within budget and maximum ROI is achieved. … Develop the affiliate marketing strategy with the aim of recruiting new affiliate partners and delivering sales volume. on an average of R22 500.

Content Writer 

Content writers are responsible for writing a variety of unique material for websites, blogs, social media, online and newspaper / magazine articles. They also assist marketing teams in development of engaging content that can be used in marketing or advertising campaigns. earning an average of R18 889

A content writer is a creative professional who understands how the major search engines work and what people are searching for when they visit particular websites. Their job is to ensure that their clients’ content is relevant enough to create interest for consumers, plus answer any of their questions and possibly convert them into a customer. Content writers have a number of skills including: Excellent overall writing skills in a number of different styles/tones.


Editors are responsible for all aspects of content, which includes development, design, production, presentation, evaluation and analysis, to name a few. They will use data and feedback from users to help evaluate and enhance the value of a set of written materials and websites. Prepare, rewrite and edit copy to improve readability, or supervise others who do this work. 2) Read copy or proof to detect and correct errors in spelling, punctuation, and syntax. earning R22 500

Social Media Manager

A social media manager might create and maintain new marketing campaigns, brand promotions or product lines for their company on different sites, monitor progress using web analytic tools, and answer directly to social media inquiries, all while using the company’s voice and guidelines. Social media managers are responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies for a business’s social media sites. This might include blogging, creating social media profiles, managing regular posts and responding to followers.

Social Media Strategy

As a Social media strategist, you should have excellent multitasking skills to handle all of our social media accounts in a cohesive way. If you have a creative way of thinking and of presenting our brand through multiple social media channels, we would like to make you part of our team.

Ultimately, you should be able to ensure our company web presence is aligned with our marketing strategies.The overall goal of any social media strategist is to get consumers talking about the business they represent. When developing their web outreach strategies, they engage with numerous social media marketing professionals, including: … Social Network Marketing Specialist.

Online Reputation Manager

Online reputation manager (ORM) is about improving or restoring your name or your brand’s good standing. This is by countering, weakening or eliminating the negative material found in the Internet – defeating it with more positive material to improving your credibility and customers’ trust in you. Reputation management is the influencing and/or control of an individual’s or business’s reputation. Originally a public relations term, the advancement of internet and social media use, along with reputation management companies, have made it primarily an issue of search results.

CRM Specialist

CRM Email Production Specialist will be responsible for email and marketing campaign production and execution, including project management, HTML/CSS coding and troubleshooting, QA review, and deployment of tactical marketing campaigns that support the growth and development of PlayStation brand, hardware, and software. This individual will be a member of the CRM team and collaborate with various stakeholders to ensure that marketing initiatives are complete, on-time, and executed with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness. The ideal candidate will have a unique combination of technical ability, email/online marketing experience and project management skills.

Database Analyst

As a Database Analyst, you’re primarily responsible for manipulating, organizing, and understanding what is contained in collections of information (databases). This lets Database Analysts find the answers to questions posed by their organization’s management about business and operational matters.Such activities involve interaction with development and end-user personnel to determine application data access requirements, transaction rates, volume analysis, and other pertinent data required to develop and maintain integrated databases. average of R17 083.

Account Management 

Account Manager is a person who works for a company and is responsible for the management of sales and relationships with particular customers. An account manager maintains the company’s existing relationships with a client or group of clients, so that they will continue using the company for business. Key account manager is assigned to a company headquarters to oversee the account team assigned to a particular account. Key account management includes sales but also includes planning and managing the full relationship between a business and its most important customers. Average of R7 813 per month.


Is the process of or management involved in making a film, play, or record . the provision of something for consideration, inspection, or use. Production deals with decision-making related to production processes so that the resulting goods or service is produced according to specification, in the amount and by the schedule demanded and at minimum cost… earning an average of R5 625 per month.


Complete, planned course of action formulated to achieve defined objectives in marketing, public relations, quality enhancement, revenue generation, safety standards, etc.

SEO Specialist

A Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist analyzes, reviews and implements changes to websites so they are optimized for search engines. This means maximizing the traffic to a site by improving page rank within search engines. A degree and a minimum of one to three years of web experience is required for the SEO Specialist position, including knowledge of HTML, CSS, programming language and blogging.A recent IAB SA study revealed that the average salary of R23 889.They may also test and implement testing various search engine marketing techniques, web site layouts and advertising for search engine optimization.

SEO Copywriter

Search Engine Optimization, Inc., a leading internet marketing agency, has an opening for a web content/press release writer to join our rapidly expanding San Diego North County team. At SEO Inc., we are focused on delivering industry-leading results for our growing list of clients. SEO Inc. helps clients achieve high rankings for keywords on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. on an average of R26 458.

Account Managers


The insanely talented people in a digital agency need a middleman to communicate with the client. This is where the Account Manager comes into the picture. The Account Manager is the individual that will manage and liaise with clients.

They are organized and efficient. They basically do all the administration and communication between the clients and the agency. Account Managers keep an agency running like a well-oiled steam engine. As an entry level Account Manager in a medium sized agency, you can expect to earn R18 000. A mid-level Account Manager earns on average R24 643 a month, in South Africa. Senior level Account Managers gets R30 500 a month.

Agency Responsibilities

SEO – What Could This Be?

SEO refers to “Search Engine Optimisation”. Now you are probably thinking: “I have no idea what that means so let me scroll onto the next point.” However, this point could possibly be one of the most important factors in your company’s growing success. So for this reason, it would be super beneficial to keep reading.

Search Engine Optimisation refers to the processes that your Digital Agency implements to ensure that Google recognizes your website enough to bump your company up the search engine list and hopefully surpass your competitor who you have been battling to overtake for years.

According to an article found on Red Revolution’s website named: “What is SEO? It’s simpler than you think!”

( There is a 3-step guide that can determine whether you are swamped with opportunities or sitting next to your phone while dust & cobwebs collect by the hour.

These steps are:

  1.  Write content that uses words and phrases used by people who search for your product

  2. Build links to your pages to show they are important
  3. Keep doing it!

 Media Buying- Why Do You Need It?

This offering very conveniently works hand in hand with your website’s visibility on search engines. Media buying refers to the ability to ensure that the agency’s clients’ adverts are where they were planned to be and most importantly, the budget must be maximized as much as possible.

 Web Traffic Controller

Although this video acts as more of a promotional video for a particular agency, there are some great pointers in here that point out the importance of having a Web Traffic Controller.

Web Designer Vs. Web Developer

To many, these would be interpreted as the same position. They are, in fact, quite different. To understand this, let us break it down a bit through the use of a couple Oxford or good old Wikipedia definitions.

Designer: A person who plans the look or workings of something prior to it being made, by preparing drawings or plans:

‘We are professional graphic designers who have dedicated our lives to design, not politics.’

 Developer: A web developer is a programmer who specializes in, or is specifically engaged in, the development of World Wide Web applications, or distributed network applications that are run over HTTP from a web server to a web browser.

Still not seeing a clear picture in your mind? Have a look at this:


User Experience(UX) – The Measure of the Digital Agency’s awesomeness

A client’s digital platform success relies on one thing – how the users have perceived the final product.

If you had to find yourself gazing at a company’s website that is unstructured, filled with clutter and difficult to navigate through, you will very conveniently head for the “back” arrow button and with a great sense of relief, you will be welcomed by the one site you know best: “Google”. Phew! – This would refer to the content & usability of the site. Not having a great level of this will result in you not wracking up the leads you are hoping to achieve.

Then you would need to look at the emotional benefits that your website is providing- “Does this website give me value?”

All in all, it is vitally important to measure the User Experience feedback on your site. If your clients are happy – you are happy! When you are happy, your Digital Agency is heading out to the pub up the road for a beer… or three.


Having a freelancer on call quite appropriately falls under A digital Agency’s offering as it represents the agency’s ability to provide beyond what is expected of them.

A freelancer is someone who, for a majority of the time, is not employed by one employer but is rather their own head honcho where they can work at their own speed and make their own decisions. There are a variety of different positions that could be classified as “freelance-able”. However, Copywriting is the most popular.

These members will be outsourced for the expertise that the Digital Agency is unable to provide from inside the company.

Communication Is Key

So you have your members and offerings, but now we would need to string them all together. This golden thread is quite simple (Not really) and is something that should be worked on continuously. This element is known as communication.

According to Brett Harned, “there is no such thing as over-communication in project work”. This is where we move forward into what he states to be the important aspects to remember when engaging within and out of teams. These would be:

  • Share information- At the beginning of a project, sit down with your team to discuss your budget, scope, timeline and requirements.
  • Educate clients – No matter what role you play, you’ve got a process that works for you. Sharing the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ you get to your deliverables will help explain the timing, concepts and dependencies of your work.
  • Build faster – If you’re seeing that a team member is behind on a task, be proactive and ask about it.

It is always important to remember that although all these individuals are incredibly talented in their own rights, each are encouraged to involve themselves in different activities/ positions within the agency. This promotes diversity and understanding amongst the employees of the Digital Agency.

The people who work for the chosen Digital Agency as well as the transparency of the responsibilities of the agency, result in the creation of the face of your agency. This makes the design hub’s “little” imaginative world go round within the 4 walls of the office and helps grow those 4 walls into large office spaces while growing the smile on not only the client’s face but the account manager as well.


Found at:


Companies tend to forget that Video marketing is a very powerful tool, especially when deciding how they want to spend their marketing budget. They often spend the money on static designs and posters as well as online banners, which do bring in a lot of traffic however it doesn’t stimulate the viewer’s mind into trusting them or their company.


Your Video Has The Ability To Go Viral

With ever growing social media platforms like Youtube and Vine, realistically speaking your video could go viral. This means it could become a trend and generate even more traffic then you ever imagined to your company. Videos are easily shared and spread around the world with a click of a button you could become famous in a matter of days.


Using Google’s Search Engine As An Advantage

When a person searches for something on the net they are looking for the quickest most efficient way to get all the information they need, that being said, I’ve realize that people will rather watch a short video than go through a bunch of search results and reading articles. Videos play a big role in helping people understand quicker. Life is fast paced and clients’ do not have time to read a “Ten page” essay on why they should trust your company or product. You will have the ability to present your company to people around the world in the form of a video.


The Power of Engagement

Your video will have the power to increase traffic on your website, it will allow users to understand you better and trust your service. By capturing the users attention you increase the possibility of your video being shared and of your product/services being suggested to other people. It is more effective than text in this sense as it requires less effort form the viewer.

This goes hand in hand with Education as some people learn in different ways. They use visuals to stimulate their mind so they can optimize their learning ability. If given a simple step by step guide, users will be able to remember important information more easily as their minds will associated different colors or sounds subliminally and assign them to different information, where as text is just plain black and white and you need to use more effort to remember that information.


Increase Your Brand Awareness

A video is the perfect way to advertise your company. By the use of motion graphics, you can make your company look like it has a personality rather than just a corporate machine. The advantage of this is that It is easy and reusable and can be used on multiple platforms such as Web, Television Broadcast, Business Presentations and social media.



If you are in need of any Video Marketing needs, feel free to contact Breeze Website Designers