“We are not a graphics, website design or animation company but we’re a marketing company that helps clients’ business grow using web graphics, etc. We are in business to help our clients business to grow. So when doing work ask yourself, will this help our clients business grow?”


Many would ask themselves this question- “Why should I get an internship at BWD or any other company?”. Well, I think that if you take a second to read my testimonial as an intern at BWD you will get a much clearer idea of why you should get an internship.


I started interning at BWD from the second week of June 2015 and it is my first time working at the design agency and honestly, it was intimidating at first but because of the warm welcome I got when I started my internship at BWD I started to feel a little bit at ease. When I started working on my first project here I messed up dearly but Bongani Gosa (Creative Director at BWD) spoke to me and told me that “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”, which means that it is the simplest ideas that normally work. BWD has a leader that is with a vision, and a leader that is with a vision produces a great team that will follow in his footsteps.

My journey as an intern at BWD has been pretty much exciting and interesting as I managed to learn a great deal of things that also inspired me to become a better designer than I am today. When I came here I thought that I knew a lot of things but I recently noticed that I do not know what I don’t know. I learned things like communication and team work amongst many here at BWD. BWD has a friendly designer environment, once you settle in it will become very much easier for you to do whatever design work you are doing.

Dear John,

I have to admit that for me one of the most satisfying parts of owning a business is how it empowers me to touch lives.

For the past four weeks we’ve had the privilege of having five students from different schools under our wing. The whole idea was to give them their first glimpse into the real working world. They got to witness what it takes for a digital communication agency to function and the people dynamics that are at play.

Oswald, Albert, Billy, Thabisile and Zuko – I sincerely hope BWD added value for your and that it will be imprinted in your hearts and minds for time to come. I invite you to meet them too…

Zuko Santi – Midrand Graduate Institute
Thabisile – Boston Media House
Albert Thamane – University Of Johannesburg
Billy Mashego – Tshwane University Of Technology
Oswald – University Of Johannesburg

Graduate Development Programme

[dt_button link=”https://www.bwd.co.za/blog/meet-the-2015-bwd-interns” target_blank=”true” size=”medium” style=”default” color_mode=”default” color=”#888888″ icon_align=”right”]Meet The Interns[/dt_button]

I firmly believe that our legacy is the experience we share and the knowledge we pass on. For this reason, BWD will be doing this again in June 2016. Besides, it was so much fun! If you know of any youngsters who would like to make use of the 2016 opportunity, please point them in our direction and ask them to email us their portfolios on careers@bwd.co.za.


BWD has also been sharing business advice and knowledge about digital content marketing with clients, businesses and entrepreneurs on numerous platforms. As a result, I was featured in Financial Mail (From Dung to Design), did a radio interview with KayaFM(Afropolitan Man) and also featured on MarkLives which is the most authoritative voice on marketing and advertising in South Africa. Feel free to take a look and see if you can benefit from any of this too.

In addition, I will be presenting at the ‘Concept To Trade’ retailer’s conference on 1 August 2015. The conference was born from the understanding that being an entrepreneur in the retail space these days is not easy. It is therefore aimed at empowering start-ups with useful information to make it through these tough economic times. My topic will be ‘What does your website say about your brand’. And you’re invited. Click here to find out more.


Bongani Gosa
Creative Director (Breeze Website Designers)
email: bongani@bwd.co.za
phone: 011 321 0193


The harsh reality is that most people don’t only see bad writing as unprofessional, but they also automatically equate it to poor skills in general. Just ask around. How you write a company profile and proposal can therefore very well make or break your chances of getting the client or job you want. Considering this, it is well worth it to invest the time and the resources to ensure that you craft a thoroughly thought through and well written document. Allow me to share some tips with you.


Get to know the entity you are talking to

Before you even start writing your business profile; conduct some background research on who you are pitching to. Get a feel for how they conduct business, what their goals and objectives are and the terminology that is generally used in their space. Then be sure to integrate elements of it into your profile. For example, if their communication is cryptic and to the point, they will most likely not appreciate an overly elaborate introduction. If they care for the environment, they will be more inclined to relate to an organisation that does the same. If they use terms like ‘outcomes’, words like ‘results’ could possibly not exist in their frame of reference.


Let the requirement determine the format

When you respond to a request for a quote (RFQ), you will most likely submit both your business profile and a proposal. Remember that the first line of assessment is very often executed by a procurement team that will not necessarily take the time to interpret all of your content though. The moment it seems as if you have not addressed any of their requirements, your submission will automatically be disregarded or disqualified. To avoid this, you have to first write your proposal in exactly the same order as their requirements are listed, and align your headings 100% with theirs. Then only can you insert your business profile under the relevant section of it.


Make sure you speak right to the job at hand

A lot of companies make the mistake of focusing on their own capability and history, instead of driving straight to what it is they can do for their clients. The reality is that any company will be more interested in what you can do for them and how you can solve their issues. Again, if you are responding to an RFQ or if you are gunning for a project, study the requirements carefully to make sure you understand what they are asking. If any of their requirements are unclear, do give the responsible person a call and chat to him or her about it. You should pretty much view it like an exam. You cannot answer a question, unless you know what it means.


Demonstrate clearly how you can fulfil the need

Once you understand what it is that the client wants and needs, you need to express clearly what steps you will follow to fulfil it. Apart from speaking to every one of their ‘must-have’ requirements, you can also include some ‘nice-to-haves’, such as value added services or components you will offer over and above their minimum requirements. Or you can highlight what you will be able to provide that is out of the ordinary.


Showcase your capability

Stating what you will do for your client will have little value if you cannot substantiate that you are able to deliver. As soon as you have shared the methodology that you will apply to meet your client’s demands, you need to prove your capability and capacity. This could include elements such as your company infrastructure and geographical footprint, relevant resources, the expertise and qualifications of your team, your portfolio of clients, awards and recognitions and professional associations. Even though this is often referred to as your ‘brag sheet,’ make sure that you convey this information factually and objectively, without coming across as arrogant.


Set yourself apart

Be wary of writing a same old, same old kind of business profiles and proposals that will bore your audience to tears. Leverage the opportunity to illustrate what you can bring to the table that your competitors cannot. Aim to do so in a way that will be informative, whilst touching and inspiring your reader or making him or her think.

Be sure to convey your information in such a way that you will counteract any perceived weaknesses, whilst banking on your strengths. If your main competitors for example have companies that are much larger than yours, then emphasise the value of a boutique firm that places a client at the centre of its universe.


Manage the expectation

Never set yourself up to disappoint your client by promising what you cannot realistically deliver. There is hardly ever a comeback from that. Proactively manage the client expectations instead by stating the resources required and estimated costs, as well as the timelines for delivery. Be upfront and honest about terms and conditions that will apply.


Conclude with the benefits to your client

Always end your business proposal on a high note, by summarising the benefits you offer the client.


Check your writing

Illustrate the utmost professionalism by thoroughly checking your business profile for language, grammar and spelling errors. Remember that this is a representation of your company and that your client’s impression of you will very well be determined by it.

For the past four weeks BWD has given five design students from different design institutes an opportunity to show off their skills as well as gain experience in the working environment. These five students did not only learn from us but we also learnt from them , thus resulting in a positive outcome for all of us at BWD.

Oswald, Albert, Billy, Thabisile and Zuko were the five interns to the BWD team. We watched them grow into fine designers and so they are deserving a proper introduction. Meet the 2015 BWD interns

Thabisile Nkosi

Animation Intern

What have you learnt after spending 4 weeks as an intern at BWD?

Working with BWD has been quite an experience. They are fun, loving and very welcoming. During my interning weeks I’ve learn about corporate identity, how to create simple but unique logos, how to design business folders, cards, business magazine, company profiles using mock ups.

I also learnt how to work in Adobe Illustrator and InDesign software, of which they were challenging as a beginner. Imagine you’re working on a project while learning how to use the software. It was fun though, because I learnt how to use them within 3 days.

As I am a 3D animation student, I got a chance to animate in 2D using After Effects and Photoshop. Of which after effect is an interesting software. Thank you BWD for giving me this opportunity, it was worthy.

Bashene Thamane

Multimedia Design intern

What have you learnt after spending 4 weeks as an intern at BWD?

I have learnt things like Guerrilla Marketing – “unconventional system of promotions and it relies on time, energy and imagination instead of spending large amount of money on conventional marketing”. I also learnt that start up companies can use this way of marketing if they don’t have sufficient funds, and this way of marketing can be in a way of e-mail marketing, using social media as marketing strategy, article marketing.

I have also learnt a professional way of presenting products to clients so they can see how their products will look like once it gone through the final stage of printing.(Read his blog post)

Zuko Santi

Multimedia Design intern

What have you learnt after spending 4 weeks as an intern at BWD?

“Simplicity is the ultimate Sophistication”, is one of the few things I have learnt from BWD. From the importance of typography to its layout and that artwork should have emotion. “When something looks dodge its dodge and when something looks good its because it looks good”. Just being around very good designers showed me that it’s possible, I simply need to put the time in to my designs.

I’m Thankful for this opportunity and if I would be granted to do it again I would “…show it flames”.

Oswald Mohape

Graphic Designer

What have you learnt after spending 4 weeks as an intern at BWD?

After spending 4 weeks at Breeze Website Designers I learnt that design is as simple as understanding math. All you need to do is think less, apply your self. Relax and read more in order to understand how the design word works. Most importantly design is a process that needs time to perfect. Design as a subject that can make the world a better place for all should be studied further. Learning from the best is key to being a Creative Director.

Bill Mashego

Animation Intern

What have you learnt after spending 4 weeks as an intern at BWD?

I learnt about corporate identity using corporate logo’s and layout design and how to package it to send to clients. Most of all I learned how to animate like a pro, using After Effects. With animation I learned how to construct and simplify a story so that it makes sense to the viewers. I also learnt about other After Effects plug-ins and a lot of tutorials helped me to enhance my animations. I also learnt to step out of my comfort zone when it comes designing. I achieved this by incorporating each of my BWD team’s ideas and thoughts into my designs.

George Manyosi: It’s KayaFM95.9. Welcome back to the Afropolitan Man. This B-tech graduate from the University of Johannesburg started his own web design company nearly 10 years ago. That is a long time in the world of digital. Today we speak to public speaker and thought leader in the digital space, the founder and creative director of the web based design, Bongani Gosa. Bongani, what fascinates you about the digital world?

Bongani: I think what mainly fascinated me was the fact that I saw a gap in the market. I saw a need for web design services. That happened back in 2002 when I was doing my second year at UJ.

George Manyosi: And what products do you offer these days compared to say 10 years ago when you started out?

Bongani: A lot of things have changed from nine years ago. Nine years ago what used to happen is that you would create a website, then you’d create a mobile site. So which means you had two instances of the same website. But now what’s happening is that we’ve got one website that is responsive, so which means it works nice on a mobile phone and it also works nice on a bigger screen. And also at the time digital marketing was almost non-existent at the time. People thought that it was a fad as far as [inaudible 00:01:24] goes. But now Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, all these other social medias, they pretty much have a huge influence on digital basically.

George Manyosi: Are there any unique challenges that you faced as a black Afropolitan coming up in South Africa in the digital space? Like did you need to prove yourself more than perhaps your existing white counterparts?

Bongani: Okay, I looked at the race thing was that you know what, how business works, it’s more around relations. It will be obviously difficult for me as a black guy to gain traction. The reason is simple. I don’t have a lot of people that I know that are in business. My parents, my cousins, my family, my friends, they don’t know a lot of business people that they can say, “hey, use my son,” or “use my friend,” or “use this.” So that’s what made that a bit difficult for me as a black person. So I wouldn’t say it was mainly a race issue, but it was more a relationships issues, because I didn’t have relationships with the right type of people. But over the years I have made those relationships.

George Manyosi: Now let’s talk about your staff structure. What is it that your company offers and what expertise is in the company?

Bongani: At the moment, there’s 10 of us, and we offer a lot of services. We offer website design. We offer video animations, like animated video explainers. And we offer photography. In fact, we have a mobile photography studio. We offer anything and everything related to advertising that’s not TV. So we don’t do TV just yet.

George Manyosi: How has business changed in their outlook and use of online?

Bongani: Not being online is very, very expensive for any business. People think that it costs a lot of money to have a website, but it costs a lot of money not to have a website funny enough. Because the reality of the situation is that people expect you to be online. If you meet someone and they want to do business with you, the first thing they’re gonna do when they get home, they’re going to Google your name. After googling your name they’re going to Google the name of your company.

If non of those come up in the search result, it means you don’t exist. It’s going to be very difficult for them to trust you. And if someone doesn’t trust you, they’re not gonna buy anything from you. So it’s always advisable to have a web presence. Make sure that it’s updated. Make sure that you create the impression that you want people to see when they’re looking for you. So don’t just have a website that was done 5, 10 years ago. That’s not gonna help. In digital terms 5 years ago is pretty much like in normal human terms is like maybe 20 years ago. Make sure that your website is always updated and yeah, you have relevant information on your website.

George Manyosi: For all folks who feel left behind in the digital space, is there time still to catch up, and what advice would you then give even for young people? Would you say, “go study,” or “just jump into it and live it and learn as you go”?

Bongani: Yes, I can say that they don’t necessarily need to go back to school per se. They just need to educate themselves around how digital works. If I have to be honest, digital is not any different from how normal advertising works. It’s slightly different, but the concepts are exactly the same. So say for arguments sake, search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is pretty much what you do for your website to be ranked high on search engines like Google. The reason something like that would happen is because Google looks for a number of factors that affect the search, but the most important thing that Google looks for is that, “Does this website look like I can trust it,” which is pretty much a decision that someone makes before they buy from you. They ask themselves, “Can I trust this guy?” So if Google thinks that you look trustworthy or you have the right types of size that make you look trustworthy, then they will rank you high. Then people will buy from you.

The long and short of it is that, there’s not only a huge difference. It’s just that you need to understand how.

George Manyosi: Bongani Gosa. Thank you once again for your time. I really appreciate it. Founder and creative director of BWD web based design firm.

Bongani: Thank you for having me.

Audio transcription by Speechpad.com


As we are moving into a pivotal, digital sphere it is important to remember how managing your company’s presence on the internet can mean the difference between your new Mercedes or a Picanto like the one your gran is driving.

In order to influence your online presence you would need to look at optimizing your website for search engines. This all seems very confusing at the moment but in actual fact, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is something that is pretty understandable.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of getting traffic from “free”, “organic” or in short, “non-paid” results.

Basically, it isn’t all about creating websites that are “search engine-friendly”. It also involves the process of making your site better for people too.


Why would you need SEO?


Large search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo “rule” the internet and what a better way to get into the good books of a ruler than to give them what they want?

According to an article written by Forbes’ Steve Olenski on the “7 Reasons Why Your Business Should Invest in SEO”, the following list explains exactly why SEO is worth considering :


  1. It still works
  2. It is not going to stop working anytime soon.
  3. It is cost-effective
  4. Search engines grabbing more market share
  5. Rise of mobile bandwidth and local search optimization
  6. Not having a healthy content profile is damaging.
  7. Your competitors are doing it.



How can you improve your website’s SEO Rankings?


  1. Consistently add new & relevant content to your site
  2. Make sure that your URL contains the keywords for which you are optimisting the site for e.g http//www.yoursite.co.za/include-keyword
  3. Remove duplicated content from your site.
  4. Make use of social sharing buttons on your site e.g Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  5. Avoid low quality link sites in favour of sites with higher page rankings.
  6. Write for readers, not search engines.
  7. Conduct a full-site audit to determine issues.


How to measure the return on investment(ROI) from SEO?

There are no 2 businesses that are exactly the same and each website has different metrics. However, there are many options we can look at to measure SEO.


You’re probably thinking Whiteboard animation is animation that is done on a white board, well, you’re right! The concept sounds easy enough however the practical side to it is a little more complicated.

The process behind it takes a lot of planning and can be very tedious at times. It is not a quick way of telling a story but a simple creative way of telling a story. Ok that sounds contradictory but you’ll understand what I mean soon enough.


Traditional Whiteboard Animation

A traditional whiteboard animation would require a good-sized whiteboard, an artist and some recording equipment. The artist would then plan out his story according to the script and decide which drawings or illustrations he would like to show in his story. He will then begin drawing out the story whilst recording him self. Once all the recordings are done he will edit and compile the footage in order and then add a time-lapse effect to it so it is synced with the audio. This is the practical method of white board animation.




Although being effective, this method doesn’t cater for changes to be implemented easily. You will have to go and re-record, re-edit and r-sync your footage which can consume a lot of time.




Digital Whiteboard Animation

A more modern way of doing whiteboard animation is quickly surfacing in the explainer video industry. This method evolves doing every step digitally. This will require downloading all your assets or creating them from scratch and then proceeding to animate them accordingly. For example: if I have stock footage of a hand sketching, and a downloaded drawing of a character I can easily create the illusion of the hand sketching the character using different masking an animation techniques. It is fairly simple to replicate this especially because the video will have a time-lapse effect so everything is sped up.



This method is ideal when dealing with clients in the design industry. It is faster and it caters for easy changes and tweaks. You also have complete control over every component in the production so i would say this way is more efficient.




Both options will give you a similar result, it’s just a question of how much time you have and what type of story you want to tell. Here at Breeze Website Designers we’re always coming up with innovative techniques to help our clients tell there stories, if you would like a whiteboard animation for your business don’t hesitate to contact us






Hi Candice,

What I am about to tell you might very well surprise you…

If you still advertise your business in conventional ways, you’re bound to slowly but surely start losing a significant portion of your market share. This is because today, we undeniably find ourselves in an era – where the majority of dealings take place in the virtual space.


This has also caused a major paradigm shift in how we have to approach our target audiences. Consumers now have information at their fingertips and can make their pick from a myriad of businesses like yours- ONLINE. Conventional advertising is also fast losing its traction – as people no longer want you to ENTICE them – they want you to ENGAGE them.


It is for this very reason that I’ve lately been talking to everyone and their uncle about digital marketing via TV, radio, newspapers and blogging. Please do feel free to make use of some of the valuable tips on our blog.


Our mission is simple, to SHARE with our clients – instead of trying to SELL to them. This notion also lies at the heart of why every modern business cannot afford to not know about CONTENT MARKETING. To find out why, just read our article that was published on Media Update: “Why every modern business should have a firm grasp on content marketing”.


If being a business owner sometimes overwhelms you- know that you are not alone. I’m convinced you’ll have a giggle when you listen to me rambling on about my own struggles on BusinessDay TV. Just click on the link to the video below.




At BWD we take a firm stand for equal opportunities and treatment for all- regardless of your race, gender or creed. We are therefore proud and thankful to be one of the sponsors of the Gender Mainstreaming awards.


For the June school holidays – we will be hiring six interns. This will consist of three 3rd year graphic design students and three third year animation students. If you know of anyone who would love to make use of this opportunity to come learn and play in our world – please put them in touch.


On the 2nd of May we had a business purpose workshop session with Pepe Marious, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer at Joe Public. We rediscovered our true purpose: “To elicit our clients’ growth and our own.” To see for yourself that we are actually putting our money where our mouth is – click on any of the links below to access our content marketing efforts.



yfm media-update


Finally, I’d like to yet again extend an open invitation. We still offer free studio photo-shoots on the last Tuesday of every month. This month’s session will be taking place on the 26th of May 2015. Click here to book your shoot now.
Bongani Gosa
Creative Director (Breeze Website Designers)
email: bongani@bwd.co.za
phone: 011 321 0193



VO: Colleen Larsen, CEO of Business Engage Association NPC, says: “We have heard it said that

gender diversity is not being taken seriously in South Africa. But we know this is not true; it is

just that the stories are not being told.”

VO: “Mainstreaming” surpasses integrating women into the workplace and government, and

taps into the knowledge, interests and experiences of men and women for optimal

organisational performance and the betterment of the economy.

VO: Organisations that have started to work on gender diversity, are down the road on their

journey, or that have succeeded, should be recognised.

VO: If YOUR organisation is engaging in meaningful gender diversity, then now is your time to

stand up and shine.

VO: Developed by Business Engage, the Gender Mainstreaming Awards are South Africa’s

premier event in rewarding organisations that are buying into the business case for gender

diversity. The awards seek to showcase successful stories and strategies, and also to set a

precedent for other organisations to participate.

VO: Share and celebrate your successes by entering the third annual Gender Mainstreaming


VO: Entering is as easy as 1 2 3 4 5.


VO: Download the application form online at www.genderawards.co.za /enrolment-form,

complete and submit it by no later than 31 May 2015.


VO: Applications will be reviewed and shortlisted by a panel of esteemed judges.


VO: Subject to the category of entry, shortlisted organisations will be interviewed on 23, 24

and/or 25 June 2015.


VO: Notification of the outcome will be sent to the finalists by 15 July 2015.


VO: Recognition and celebration will take place at the 2015 Gender Mainstreaming Awards

ceremony that is set to take place on 18 August at Vodacom Dome in Midrand, Gauteng.

VO: Entry is free. Submit your application now to receive acknowledgment in these coveted

awards and let the world know about your contribution to gender mainstreaming.

VO: The keynote speaker at the event is Mr Bonang Mohale – Chairman of Shell SA and

President of the Black Management Forum.

VO: For the third year running, the lead sponsor is PwC, with SAB Miller and BWD also

sponsoring this year.

VO: The 2015 Gender Mainstreaming Awards 
are in partnership with Brand South Africa and

the SA Human Rights Commission, and in association with the 30% Club Southern Africa.