So your shopping around to buy a pair of jeans, you know the type of fit that suits your body just right, the type of length, the quality, right down to the specific shade of blue AND what it costs.

In fact, you probably stick to the same brand because you know that it caters for all your needs and a little more.

Then why not choose your Website Design Agency the same way!

Different design agencies follow different processes and cater for different audiences; you should always consider what your vision is and if the agency you have in mind will compliment it, be it budget, style or objectives.

Here is a simple step guide on what to consider when choosing a website design agency.

Step 1 – Know your bottom line

Work out is what you want your website and Internet marketing to achieve, carefully consider your aim, goals and how you are going to measure success.

How do you do this?

Ask the agency you’re interested in to provide solid proof of their capabilities, showing you case studies or examples of how they have approached the problem and how they have provided a solution.

Step 2 – Know your cost vs. value

As with everything else you purchase, the phrase “you get what you pay for” rings true in the world of web design and development. If you begin to cut costs solely for saving a Rand now, you may not reap as much value in the long-term.

Ask your agency if they can provide clear evidence of the value delivered through tangible results. Remember it’s about Value, not Cost. If the agency can provide a website or service that brings ROI, then cost isn’t a deal breaker.

Step 3 – Identify a solid track record

This is not necessarily how long an agency has been in business, a lot of new agencies have some stellar ideas and new methodologies.

Identify an agency that understands your industry and has effectively delivered a similar solution to other clients.

Step 4 – Communicate and learn

The ever-changing web makes it a highly complex and technically so it is highly important that you understand what your web agency is talking about and doing.

What to do?

Ask the agency questions about their process, their methodologies and why they are making certain recommendations or decisions. If you don’t understand a component of the web project, ask you should never feel like you’re in the dark about your investment.

Step 5 – Recognize content is your problem

Your agency needs to dig deep, they need to be asking the right questions about your customers, your business and your industry.

The agency needs to know the importance of content whether they create the content or receive from a copywriter.
They are building the framework that is housing your content and you as the client need to recognize that your website is really about the information it holds, therefore paying for a good copywriter is key to a successful website.

Content is everything from your written copy to your images and videos.

Step 6 – Know what you want to achieve, be realistic

What are some goals you can reach?
• Generate more leads
• Increase online sales
• Improve product or brand awareness
• Be “in touch” with your customer base

Ask your web agency what tools and services they provide to drive measurable traffic to your site the agency should understand your sales process so that they can provide a solution to making your process more efficient and provide real value through the new website.

Step 7 – Know your strategy

A good web agency should be offering you a clear, concise web strategy. It goes beyond your website. A good strategy will give your business a strong sense of authority, direction, relevance and trust in the marketplace.

Step 8 – Maintain the quality of your investment

After launch of your new site, a good agency will maintain a healthy relationship with you, publishing new content, assist you in your analytic reporting and ensure that your website is helping you reach your goals.


We naturally have a tendency to gravitate toward moving objects over the static kind, As beings of medium intelligence (Second only to Spock and Tony Stark), especially when they have no reason to be (See: All horror movies). The rest of the time though, we thoroughly enjoy the sight of objects bouncing about and being acted upon by the forces of nature. So much so that, more often than not, the experience of an animated object becomes a lasting memory – causing us to make decisions based around this experience with lasting effect on all our future decisions revolving around that subject. The question then arises in the mind of the techno-savvy entrepreneur, “How can I create a lasting impression about my products in the minds of my clients, creating an opportunity for them to choose my brand over another’s.” One word: Animation.

The (not-so) technical explanation

Our brains are one of the most fascinating creations of nature. As creatures of motion ourselves, we use inertia to detect direction, depth, shape recognition as well as for navigating our visually complex world – pretty important tasks, I’d say. What it means for objects without motion, is that without thinking, our brains automatically flag them as less important because of the value of the information received – but I digress. As marketers and business people, using animation to influence the buying patterns of the average consumer is of significant importance. Our product become more memorable, more appealing and also increase the likelihood that a client would make a purchasing decision based on that appeal. This is very evident in advertising campaigns such as Vodacom’s dancing Merekat or Chicken Licken’s hungry Orangutan – both showcasing very motion-centric and humanoid characters. However, let’s tap into this a bit further.

Before we learn to affect people with our Jedi mind-tricks we need to understand the process of how something becomes memorable on a molecular level (don’t sigh at me, I know we are not in high school anymore). Nevertheless, as part of our brain’s make-up we have what’s called a hippocampus, which is responsible for the control of memory (It is safe to blame your hippocampus for forgetting your lunch at home this morning, you know). This process occurs in three phases:

Encoding phase:

Our brains are far less complicated than we think, and most of the time it works as a computer does (unless we’re drunk, angry or on the job, *wink wink*). Think about the time your first fell in love. You noticed certain facial features or the way your ‘infatuatee’ moved or acted. Within less than a second, you already knew that you loved this person. Let’s dissect this experience. Once information is converted to an electrochemical signal by our visual cortex (from our eyes) and transmitted to our Hippocampus, one of two situations occur: either we remember, or we forget. Think of our hippocampus as, well, computer memory. With a limited number of resources, our brain’s memory needs to decide what information is important. Like the Random Access Memory in our computers, the level of complexity a task our hippocampus has to process determines the amount of resources our brain must use to process the information. So, if the process becomes too complex for the hippocampus to handle, our brains refuse to accept the information and rejects the data. This means that should information we receive not be important enough, or too complex our brain discards the data and we forget all out the pompous guy at the bowling alley trying to act all macho or the science class involving diatomic molecules.

Storage phase:

Once information passes the importance-complexity test and is deemed to be important enough by our brains, it is written to our memory in either the perception, short term or long term stages. Depending on a combination of the two, the more important the memory is, the more vividly we remember it, which if tapped into correctly can create the right conditions for memorable products and services.

Recall phase:

Accessing the information we have stored in our mental hard drives happens in the recall phase. Remembering a catchy jingle, words to a song or what happened in a movie is part and parcel of recalling information. This final phase of memory is the most important. “How do we get our potential stakeholders to recall or remember our products and services over our competitors’ offerings?” you ask? Well lit’s take a look at that.

Jedi mind tricks

Now that we know how the brain and our different phases of memory works, it is possible for us to recondition our audiences with tried and tested methods, so that they, not only like our products and services more, but are also more inclined to make purchasing decisions based upon the experience they had with us.

New experiences

Have you ever wondered how you remember the smell of the ocean and the taste of your grandmother’s chocolate cake, or the smell of a friend and the thrill you experienced when you went on a roller-coaster for the first time? New experiences bewilder our senses; they give us a rush and better yet, those feelings are so primal and easy to digest that our hippocampus adds them straight to our memory (in a “do not pass go, do not collect R200” fashion). Because animated video does not over-stress our senses and makes use of simple, easy-to-process information, the right conditions for memorable experiences become apparent. Making use of new and creative ways to showcase your animated product ensures that your brand creates a lasting impression. A good example of creating new experiences through animation would be Samsung’s use of 3D projection – that is a relatively old technology. The experience, however, became renewed when Samsung used buildings and guerrilla advertising in conjunction with these large-scale projections. The result? A completely immersive experience that resonated with the world.


Acme Corp. Road Runner. The Coyote. Need I say any more? Long since the inception of animation, humour is a tool greatly used to improve the perceptive ability. Because animation can greatly exaggerate motion, integrating humour becomes almost natural. Adding humour to your animations creates a lightened mood which puts your audience at ease and makes them more receptive to remembering your product or service. cleverly makes use of humour to help entice consumers to taking out loans – which is a rather serious topic.


Because recalling memories are mostly attributed to the visual process, making use of visually stimulating imagery greatly enhances the impression we create in the minds of our audiences. This is a double edged sword though – Making use of too few visual elements in our animations, would cause our products to be considered boring and do not make it into the memories of our potential buyers. Too much information, however and our buyers consider our products to be to busy, which over-stimulates their minds and they do not remember what we’re showing them. Therefore, we need to make sure that the amount, as well as the quality of the visual information we present to our viewers is just enough. How do we do this? Make use of sufficient color. Not too bright, nor too dull. Pastels are your best choices. Next, do not overfill your screen. I have a rule of thumb, that about 30% of the number of pixels on your screen should be animated at any given point – not including the animation of solids backgrounds. Lastly, do not animate too many of the objects on the screen. Only animate that which is the most important, like your characters and main focus points. this allows our viewers to focus in on a particular subject and for the better part, remember what they see. Congratulations, your animation is now visually impressive!


Although it is not related directly to our use of sight, utilising sound in animation is extremely important. Subliminal messages could be conveyed by the mood of a song or the intensity of sounds happening while an animation takes place. Firstly, ensure that your sound is of sufficient quality. We train our minds to take notice of some things that are better than others – we class the use of our senses. This is because listening to, or viewing bad quality sounds and objects are taxing on the amount of resources we reserve for the action. Use better quality sound and your animation will be more memorable – it is that simple. Next, prioritise the sounds you would like to be more prominent. Too much audio information at any given point can over-stimulate our senses and cause us to forget something in mere seconds. How I work is that the voice is the most important, followed by any sound effects and then lastly the backing music. this ensures that our viewers and listeners can dedicate sufficient resources to the listening action without burning out.

In Closing

I know it seems like a science, but it isn’t. These are things we do subconsciously every day. We remember and forget so often that it’s hard to count. Making our products and services more effective using the above-mentioned tactics, ensures that our offerings are far superior to that of our competitors. Taking these aspects into account not only allows us to create better and more engaging stories, but also to whither out invaluable information – which ultimately, does more harm than good. Focus your message by using effective animation and sound design and you will captivate your target audiences that much more and ultimately, make more sales!

There a science to email marketing, but it essentially depends on whether you are marketing to a consumer or business audience.

  1. Which day of the week is best for sending email?
  2. What time of day is best to send an email?

These are questions one gets all the time regarding email marketing, there is a science behind B2B email marketing and it goes like this:

  • Tuesday gets the best response in B2B marketing it reflects Monday/Friday being meeting days Tuesday is usually peak day for web traffic too, so take this into consideration when planning your email marketing campaign.
  • The ultimate measure of a B2B email campaign should be the CTR (Click Through Rate) in any campaign there should be a call to action once the the viewer has read through its details.
  • Scheduling your email to arrive on your clients email within work hours is essential, email lifespan is relatively short, after 24hrs in the inbox a message has no chance of being opened.
  • Subscribers are likely to open emails after 12pm and the most active hours are between 2-5pm.

These strategies are a good place to start, but they won’t help you if they don’t serve your audience. Know who you’re writing to, and the content of your email marketing campaign.

Don’t neglect to have careful consideration of the Subject Line, Content Layout, From Name and Headers, people first scan information before they read through the details, it is critically important that you give thought to these as it will influence the Open Rate of your email.

For expertise covering all these topics contact BWD to create engaging actionable email campaigns.


Web design trends are consistently moving, with 2014 almost half way done key emerging trends simplicity, cleanliness, and focus on smaller screen size.

The battle for the small screen is really prominent now as most people are accessing content on their phones and tablets with an increasing amount of people opting for smartphones with high end HD resolution available from most manufacturers.

Key Design trends:

  1. Flat UI (User Interface) – This design technique is going to be with us for a while considering Windows have used this for Wndows 7 and 8.1, Apple have integrated this trend for their latest iOS7 design scheme in their operating system.
  2. Mobile First – Smartphone and tablet usage has skyrocketed in recent years, and is overtaking desktop traffic for many websites, forcing designers to rethink the user experience for smaller screens, design with the mobile screen in mind.
  3. Less Text – The web seems to becoming a lot less text-heavy, and some websites have almost no visible text, instead relying on images and icons to convey information to the user.
  4. Video / moving backgrounds – This is a growing trend with companies or services which are graphical, it makes for dynamic backgrounds and is eye catching.
  5. Typography – Web fonts are on the rise, designers are creating their own fonts unique to clients with responsive typography this makes any website standout when well executed.
  6. Tiles/Cards – This is a design theme that is not going away anytime soon popularised by Windows and Google Now this theme is a great medium for communicating quick stories giving the user precies content.
  7. Imagery – All websites need professional photography, massive pictures on landing pages and background images, as opposed to patterns for texture this is a trend for the visual generation and they certainly look great on the now common retina displays.

Web users have a dwindling attention span, your website might be the 3rd or 4th in a search result therefore it is paramount that you capture their attention within 10sec of them landing on your website otherwise they moving on to your competitor.

Having a compelling website considering all the current trends will certainly keep visitors longer, longer visits equate to possible leads, leads turn to sales.

So ask yourself if your websites is keeping up with the trends, will your landing page make a visitor stay longer than 10sec?

As if managing overheads, rising capital and outfoxing the competition isn’t hard enough, anyone looking to build a successful brand, needs to traverse the depths of good and bad design. From the logo to the kerning on your company profile, every visual element you produce says something important about your brand. Of all the components that make up a great brand identity, none is more conspicuous than the colour scheme.

A brand’s colour scheme is the first thing that jumps out at you, grabs you by the eyeballs, and says-hey look at me! -Before you read the punny brand name; or register the intricacies of their minimalist logo, you say, “Wow that lumo green is really…bright!” Whether you are aware of it or not, your brands colour scheme speaks volumes about what you do and how you do it.

We have all been conditioned to associate certain colours, with certain messages, when the light turns red we know that we should stop. The right colour can communicate a message in an instant, because of the preconceptions we developed about colours; we do not need to be told that red means stop each time we reach a set of traffic lights. This subconscious communication not only applies to traffic signals, but transcends every facet of our daily lives, including the brands we interact with, Consider for a moment that you swing past the store on your way home from a long day, and you decide to get some of your favorite soda. As you approach the drinks aisle, you instinctively reach for that iconic red and white bottle. Sitting there amongst the hoards of multi-coloured soft drinks. That red and white colour scheme pulls you in and reassures you – “there it is, there is the brand I trust”-That is the power of colour.

The right use of colour, not only differentiates you from the competition, but it also helps to build perceptions about your brand. A clean white on black logo says something radically different from a logo executed in hot bubblegum pink. In fact a study by the University of Loyola, Maryland shows that the use of colour can increase your brand recognition by a factor of eighty percent, whilst a staggering sixty percent of the time, a potential customer will decide if a brands message is attractive, based on their perception of the brands colour.

So the next time you feel the need to quench your insatiable thirst for fizzy soft drinks, ask yourself why you choose to reach for the familiar red and white branding of a classic Coca Cola. Is it the taste? Is it bottle? Or maybe you REALLY want to “open happiness “, or maybe, just maybe you choose to forsake all others, and swear undying loyalty to a brand, simply because that particular shade of Pantone 484 appeals to you on a profoundly deep level that no other brand can…Think about it.

Dear Beloved Friends and Members of the BWD family,

We’re uber pleased to announce that we’re moving into a bigger playing space.

So as from the 1st of March 2014, our new base will be at Fancourt Office Park, which is on the corner of Northumberland and Felstead Avenue in North Riding.

At the same time, some new dynamic co-workers will be joining the BWD family and adding some more brains into the mix.

All this so we can move up a gear and improve our services to you significantly.

Most importantly, we would like to make use of this opportunity to extend a warm ‘Thank You’ to each and every one of you who has formed part of our journey thus far.

We look forward to keep on walking the road with you.

P.S. The BWD Team Will Be Featured On Tv On Monday
the episode flights this Monday, 17/02/14, on SABC 1 at 13h30. Bongani & the BWD team will be on Making Moves.

Bongani Gosa
Creative Director (Breeze Website Designers)


“Back in our day,” they would snap harshly as we all stood with a smartphone permanently plastered to our palms. “Back in our day, the youngsters would all be outside experiencing the world!” they would chime. Little do the oldies know, however, that inside is the new outside; that we experience the world virtually, more and more each day – without limitations. With more of us online than ever before, interconnectivity has become increasingly important in a digital age such as ours; and with the overflow of information, we need to find creative ways to engage with our clients, customers, friends and family without infringing on the limited time and resources at their disposal – That’s where mobile video marketing comes into play.

Why use Mobile Video Marketing?

In a world where technology allows us to do so much at one particular time, we hardly have time to do much else; and as all content marketing makes it’s way to the mobile arena, only one champion remains steadfast – Video marketing. Video allows us to say more – to create engaging content that inspires and incites action. Moreover, with more content being accessed through smartphones than computers and a decrease in the price of mobile data, here in South Africa, mobile video marketing becomes not only more feasible, but a preferred method of marketing products and services in the most effective manner.

Youtube is the second-largest search engine in the world.

Where to use Mobile Video Marketing

1.Your Website

As the first point of interaction with your potential clients in today’s day and age, making an impression on your website is imperative to increasing lead generation. Furthermore, advertising your products and services as effectively as possible, guarantees more sales and shorter turnaround times. Not to mention, that using video on your website drastically increases your search engine optimization score, which means that people interested in your type of business can find you more efficiently on Google and other major search engines.

2.Your social network

Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Instagram all include powerful video integration tools to get your marketing videos out there. Not only does using video set your brand apart from all the boring self-promoting text posts, but it also increases your posts rank with a new technology called News Feed Optimization. The just of this overly mathematical tool, is that video posts are more important that standard text posts. This allows your video to appear more often and higher up on the news feeds of your friends and followers’ timelines, putting your brand in the spotlight 24 hours a day.

3.Email marketing

Nothing says, “This is a company I’d like to work with.” more than a professionally drafted email newsletter. Including video in your email newsletter reduces the amount of content you deliver, which allows you to convey an extremely focused video that is captivating and direct (because, let’s face it, no-one enjoys reading annoyingly long emails). a good example of this could be found in our newsletter.

4.Customer interaction

Automating your business process allows you to focus on making more money. Making use of video explainers and tutorials to educate your customers on complex topics helps you avoid potentially fatal blank looks when you explain what your company does well. While it is quite entertaining to see a facial expression glaze over, it will not bode well for your business if your client doesn’t understand what you do.

5.Securing business

In a world of busy-bodied business people, getting a potential client to read a 10-page company profile (which is still a moderately ambitious number of pages, mind you) is like asking for water in the desert. A two-minute video however, is quite accessible on a mobile phone, in-between meetings. A simple, “Hi Sbu, here’s a short video explaining our services,” would seriously impress your client and have you closing deals in no time!

Each day 100 million internet users watch an online video.

Effectively using Mobile Video Marketing

So now that you know exactly what goes on within the realm of mobile video marketing, here are a few tips to ensure that your mobile videos are effective, meaningful and deliver your messages with the most impact.

1.Scalable content

An unlimited number of smart devices are at our disposal today, each flaunting it’s own shape and size. Tailoring your video explainer for different screen sizes (especially the small ones) empowers you to reach across a vast ocean of devices – reaching more people. Ensure that your text (there shouldn’t be much) is legible and that the font and font size you select are not overly boisterous. Open sans is always a good choice!


My boss always tells me, “Keep it simple, stupid!” and with good reason. Keeping your video explainer simple ensures that your message isn’t lost or diluted by way too many happenings on-screen. it does quite the opposite actually. A simple explainer re-enforces your message and creates a memorable experience – an experience that captivates and entices action. to quote my boss again, “boring is the new exciting.” Never forget that!


Mobile phones are used on the move and in different environments. Making sure that your audio quality is of a sufficient standard, translates well between these environments making your video more accessible. It is imperative that you select a voice over artist that suites your style of video. Voice-overs should be conducted in a calm and expressive manner and audio should be loud and clear. In order of precedence, your vocal should be the loudest reference point in your video (standard speaking register), followed by sound effects at a lower register and then finally your music should fit your style of video and be in the lowest possible register.

4.Market, Market, Market!

The best content marketing is free. Making use of your social network is the easiest means of transporting your message to the masses. Posting your video to Google+, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other large social media networks in a consistent periodic fashion allows your content to appreciate in value. Making sure that you market your video content as regularly as possible helps improve your brand awareness and overall

In Closing

Mobile video marketing is an insanely powerful tool in an ever-evolving digital world. Not only is it an inexpensive option when compared to other forms of media marketing, but it also stimulates far more interaction between you and your stakeholders than any other marketing tool known to the digital world. Additionally, leveraging the power of the Internet and a plethora of mobile users can make you some serious cash. Act swiftly young padawan, the times are a changin’

We here at our headquarters (Breezeville), we design ninjas are constantly on the move to eradicate design disasters. Led by our sensei, Bongani, we obliterate low (or non-existent) google rankings with Search Engine Optimization. Are you having a problem with the number of sales leads you generate? No problem! Our ninjas pounce into action to be your saviour at a moment’s notice. Rest assured that our skilled design assassins have got you covered so that you can focus on the important things – like growing your business.

Voice-over artist: Lebo


In a faraway, terrifying place called Horrorville, making your mark in business amongst a horde of other contenders seems like an impossible feat and businesses are plagued with website issues and big, bad Internet browser bugs.

So, what if we told you there is a place called Breezeville: Where standing out from the grey masses is an absolute breeze and all you need to get there is an army of ninjas called the Breezies. Led by a sensei who encourages his soldiers to THINK before they act.

The Breezies are armed with an arsenal of gizmos to help you make your voice heard loud and clear. We can throw our ninja star if your website ain’t getting you the queries or leads you need. We can spin our nunchakus if you ain’t ranking high on google’s search engines. Our sword-fighting ninja will fight for you to reach your target audiences effectively and we have a katana guru to help you get the message across like you should.

So simply deploy the techo savvy Breezies, who are ready and able to help you to get to Breezeville- Where creative solutions are a breeze.

[BWD logo appears on screen]

Here at BWD we’re all about helping you – the client – connect with your world, digitally. We help you say what you’d like to so that you get the best response from those around you. Not to mention how we’d like to help you make your enterprise the most profitable one around. We aim to add value to any project we undertake, by outputting meaningful content into the world. Content that people admire. Content that people aspire to be a part of. Here are a few reasons why Breeze Website Designers is the best solution for you:




Male voice-over artist:

In business, every chance you get to introduce yourself should count. Every single message should captivate your target audience and every presentation should drive sales or support your goals. But, BIG results are ignited by BIG ideas, and to bring those BIG ideas to life you need Breeze Website Designers…Where intelligence meets imagination.

Where we THINK before we CREATE. The result? Concepts that touch, move and inspire AND that drives our clients’ business objectives.

As a full service agency Breeze Website Designers offers a complete range of digital marketing services. Explode your brand on the Internet or trade online seamlessly with our ultra smart website solutions. Create a company image that will make lasting impact and help you reach top of mind status in no time. Leverage our expertise to be ranked top by google and convert clicks to queries or sales. A range of social media and e-marketing options to help you create awareness and reach your target audiences more effectively. Differentiate yourself clearly and represent your company proudly with professional images and photos. Videos, DVDs and multimedia to make an impression that will remain in the minds of your target audiences for time to come.

So if you’re keen on digital marketing solutions that are BOTH striking AND supports your strategic goals. Then, the only question that remains is, “How can WE help YOU?”

Meet Kyle – A black-belted animation ninja at Breeze Website Designers in Johannesburg, South Africa. In this video he explains the ins-and-outs of of being a design guru, as well as how he brings inanimate objects to life; that not only wow the client, but also adds value to the projects he partakes in.

Fun facts about Kyle:
– A serious internet addict, because cats ringing doorbells are just way too good for their own good.
– Also produces music in his spare time.
– Fiendishly good at handstands and speed-eating.



Video Transcription

Kyle, Male subject:

Hi, I’m Kyle and i’m an animator for Breeze Website designers in Johannesburg, South Africa.

In this video, we’re working on our corporate identity video explainer, which we use to showcase all our work to all our clients. We also work on tutorials, as well as, short films – as you can see in this Breezeville animation we did.

Our process isn’t a lengthy one. We start off with our concepts and ideation and then, move on to our storyboards. Once we’ve completed our storyboards and they’ve been approved, we go ahead and collect all our assets. These include things like your audio, your backtrack and your voice overs.

Thereafter we move into the production phase where we work our magic and give you a top notch product. Here at BWD we do two different types of animations: We have your cel animation, which is your traditional animation. This allows us to actually go in and record each frame – drawing it one by one. Then, we’ve got your keyframe animation, which allows us to mathematically calculate between two points what our next step would be in the animation itself.

Animation is basically the process of bringing still and inanimate object to life. We’re about connecting with people and that is what we try to showcase in all of our work.

If you’re interested in taking your product to the next level, contact BWD and we’ll help you create and animate a product explainer that helps you boost your product and your sales.

[BWD logo appears on screen]