In today’s digital landscape, selecting the right Content Management System (CMS) for your enterprise is crucial. While various options abound, understanding the costs associated with each solution is paramount. Below, we provide insights into the pricing structures and features of several prominent CMS platforms, including Sharepoint, OpenText, SiteCore, and Drupal. Though not exhaustive, this comparison sheds light on the significant cost disparities and unique attributes of each system. In this article, we won’t convert the Dollars to Rands because the prices are charged in Dollars. However, you can do the conversions on this link.



  •    Price: The pricing for Sharepoint varies based on factors such as the number of users and implementation requirements. Software costs range from $12,000 to $14,000, with user licenses spanning $7,500 to $250,000. Additionally, implementation and launch expenses fall within the range of $15,000 to $200,000. It’s worth noting that Sharepoint is often included in Enterprise Microsoft licensing fees, offering a seemingly cost-effective solution.
  •    Features: Sharepoint excels in information management and internal project collaboration. Its functionalities include document management, intranets, and centralized administration.
  •   Pros and Cons: While Sharepoint boasts robust team collaboration capabilities, its drawbacks include high costs compared to alternative CMS options, limited user interface design flexibility, and suboptimal mobile and SEO friendliness.


OpenText (formerly Vignette)

  •    Price: OpenText follows a complex fee-based licensing model, typically exceeding $100,000. Detailed cost breakdowns are available through official documentation.
  •    Features: OpenText specializes in Enterprise Information Management software solutions, catering to large corporations across diverse industries. Its strengths lie in advanced information management, resource allocation, and content personalization.
  •    Pros and Cons: Despite its advanced features, OpenText’s primary disadvantage is its high cost, which may pose a barrier to smaller enterprises.



  •    Price: SiteCore’s licensing fee starts at $40,000, with an additional $8,000 per year. Implementation costs begin at $65,000, complemented by ongoing support and licensing fees of approximately $10,000 annually.
  •    Features: SiteCore offers customer experience management software renowned for its automation and flexibility. Its integrated marketing suite includes tools for interactive content management.
  •    Pros and Cons: While SiteCore provides a comprehensive set of features, its steep pricing may deter budget-conscious organizations.



  •   Price: Free
  •   Features: Drupal is a robust, full-featured CMS capable of powering large and complex websites. Its user base includes prominent entities such as, BBC, and the United Nations. Noteworthy features include flexibility, advanced taxonomy, SEO-friendliness, enterprise-level security, multilingual support, and Drupal Commerce integration.
  • Pros and Cons: While Drupal offers unparalleled flexibility and security, it may entail a steeper learning curve compared to other open-source CMS platforms like WordPress. Additionally, the availability of pre-designed templates/themes may be relatively limited.


In conclusion, the choice of an enterprise CMS involves a careful evaluation of both cost and functionality. While proprietary solutions like Sharepoint, OpenText, and SiteCore offer comprehensive features, their high price points may be prohibitive for some organizations. Conversely, Drupal’s open-source nature provides cost savings without compromising on essential features, making it an attractive option for enterprises seeking flexibility, scalability, and security in their content management endeavors.

If you are looking for an enterprise level CMS, we recommend reviewing Drupal’s capabilities before committing to expensive fee-based software.

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the debate between traditional and digital approaches has never been more relevant. As we usher in the year 2024, businesses and individuals alike are faced with crucial decisions regarding their marketing strategies, communication methods, and overall approach to conducting business. In this blog, we’ll explore. the ongoing clash between traditional and digital methods, highlighting key features and offering insights to help you make informed decisions in this dynamic environment.

The Rise of Digital Dominance

Digital platforms have undeniably revolutionized the way we interact, communicate, and do business. From social media marketing to e-commerce platforms, the digital sphere offers unparalleled reach and efficiency. Here are some key features driving the dominance of digital in 2024:

Global Reach: With the internet connecting people across continents, digital platforms provide businesses with the opportunity to reach a global audience instantaneously. Through targeted advertising and localized content, companies can tailor their message to specific demographics, maximizing engagement and conversion rates.

Data-Driven Insights: One of the most significant advantages of digital marketing is the abundance of data available for analysis. From website traffic metrics to social media engagement statistics, businesses can leverage data-driven insights to optimize their marketing strategies, refine their target audience, and improve overall performance.

Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to traditional marketing channels such as print ads or television commercials, digital marketing offers a more cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. With options like pay-per-click advertising and social media promotions, companies can allocate their budget more efficiently and track the return on investment in real-time.

Interactivity and Engagement: Digital platforms enable brands to foster meaningful interactions with their audience through comments, likes, shares, and direct messaging. This two-way communication fosters brand loyalty, builds trust, and encourages customer participation, ultimately driving sales and brand advocacy.

The Enduring Appeal of Traditional Methods

While digital platforms continue to dominate the marketing landscape, traditional methods still hold value in certain contexts. Let’s explore some key features that contribute to the enduring appeal of traditional approaches in 2024:

Tangibility and Credibility: In an era dominated by digital noise, traditional marketing materials such as brochures, business cards, and direct mailers offer a tangible and credible way to engage with customers. A well-designed print ad or a professionally crafted flyer can leave a lasting impression and evoke a sense of trust that digital ads may struggle to replicate.

Targeted Reach: Despite the vast reach of digital platforms, traditional methods like direct mail allow businesses to target specific geographic areas or demographics with precision. By delivering physical marketing materials directly to consumers’ mailboxes, companies can bypass digital clutter and capture the attention of their target audience more effectively.

Brand Recall and Memorability: Research suggests that physical materials leave a stronger imprint on the human brain compared to digital content. From the texture of the paper to the scent of the ink, traditional marketing materials engage multiple senses, enhancing brand recall and memorability among consumers.

Local Community Engagement: For small businesses and local establishments, traditional marketing methods offer a valuable opportunity to connect with the community on a personal level. Sponsorships, local events, and print advertisements in neighborhood publications can help businesses establish roots within their target market and foster long-term customer relationships.

Finding the Right Balance

In an increasingly digitized world, the key to success lies in finding the right balance between traditional and digital approaches. Rather than viewing them as competing forces, businesses should embrace a holistic marketing strategy that leverages the unique strengths of each channel.

Here are some tips for integrating traditional and digital methods effectively:

Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience’s preferences, behavior, and media consumption habits. Tailor your marketing mix to align with their preferences while leveraging data-driven insights to refine your approach over time.

Consistency is Key: Maintain a consistent brand voice and message across all channels, whether digital or traditional. Cohesive branding enhances brand recognition and fosters trust among consumers.

Experiment and Iterate: Don’t be afraid to experiment with new tactics and channels. Test different combinations of traditional and digital methods to identify what resonates best with your audience, and iterate based on performance metrics.

Integrate Online and Offline Touchpoints: Create seamless experiences for customers by integrating online and offline touchpoints. For example, QR codes on printed materials can direct users to digital content, while social media promotions can drive traffic to physical store locations.

In conclusion, the traditional vs. digital debate in 2024 is not a zero-sum game but rather an opportunity for businesses to harness the unique strengths of each channel. By adopting a flexible and integrated approach to marketing, businesses can effectively navigate the ever-evolving landscape and drive meaningful engagement with their target audience.

As we continue to embrace technological advancements and innovations, the key lies in striking a balance between tradition and innovation, ultimately delivering value and relevance in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Have you ever received a delivery notification for a package, but have no idea what it is? You don’t know how big it is, who it’s from, or, especially, why you’ve received it. All you know is that there’s something from FedEx waiting at your front door.

So you stay at work, pushing this mysterious delivery to the back of your mind as best you can, staring at the clock waiting for the moment you can rush home and open the darn thing.

That’s how I feel when Demo Duck is lucky enough to receive a Video Request for Proposal, or RFP. As soon as it hits our inbox with the subject line beckoning out “Request for proposal” my eyes widen and my heart beats a bit faster.

Who sent it? How did they find us? What cool videos are they looking to create? And how can Demo Duck help make their vision a reality?

As our client base has evolved, along with the explainer video industry, we’ve been lucky enough to receive more of these video RFPs on a weekly basis – to the point where I know that the contents of which, like any FedEx package, can vary greatly

Some are one page. Others are eighteen. Many provide dates and budget numbers. A few keep things ambiguous. While all RFPs are appreciated and fun to get, the goal of this post is to give corporate video producers a glimpse of what we recommend for an efficient agency search process, beginning with an effective RFP brief.

So here are six items – questions, info requests, etc. – Demo Duck recommends including in your video Request for Proposal. For the sake of time, we’ll exclude some basic items like your company background, overall project details, budgets, and key dates. Let’s dive in!

Add links to style references

I know it can be frustrating when sourcing video production agencies to get a firm grasp on pricing quickly, but that’s because the price tag is so contingent on the style. For the sake of getting more accurate bids, it’s a good idea to include a few examples of the type of videos you’re looking to create. These can be links to testimonial videos you’re fond of, commercials you’ve made in the past, or even a few static design elements that will inform the animated explainer video style. If you’re looking for some inspiration or resources for this check out Wine After CoffeeMotionographerVimeo Staff Picks, or take a stroll through Behance.

But what if you don’t know this yet? Well, it doesn’t need to be set in stone, but at least provide the recipients of the RFP some high level direction (at the bare minimum, specify 2D, 3D, and/or live action). Also, while it may feel obvious because you’re sending the RFP only to animation companies or production companies that specialize in live action, it’s sometimes difficult for us to be sure of the style when reading some words in a PDF (especially when you work in as many styles as we do Demo Duck). Adding references will prevent you from getting the same question a dozen times from all the prospective video agencies. Actually, let’s talk more about “all” those agencies.

Include the number of video agencies you expect to receive bids from

Look, I get it. You want to keep this number close to the vest in order to get a bunch of bids from a wide range the video production agencies. The more you get, the pickier you can be, and you don’t want to scare anyone off by listing an off-putting number.

However, if you’re being intentional in the sending of your RFPs you’ll actually see a greater response rate when video production companies have a sense of how many people they’re competing with. Based on our past experiences without being given a number, we always assume it’s a lot, which reduces the likelihood, and excitement, of responding. If you provide transparency into this figure, I’m willing to bet you’ll see a higher quality of bids.

Ask about the agency’s revision process

Do you want to be hands-on or hands-off on this video production? Chances are, somewhere in between, but you’re not really sure how that would look. Rather than assuming some sort of revision process will be built into production, just ask, or be clear on your expectations. For example, if you know you’ll always need a round of legal review, make sure to state that so it can be worked in the timeline.

There will be a fair amount of overlap here, somewhere between 1-2 rounds at each stage of production, which makes this maybe the most disposable item on this list, but it’s still a good idea to set expectations on both sides, prior to making a selection.

Request client references or partnership references

In a prior life I worked in recruiting and, frankly, had pretty mixed feelings about asking for referrals. Would they even be honest with me? Does the candidate coach them? What’s to gain here?

But unlike hiring someone to your team, you’re not hearing from a personal connection to the agency (in most instances, at least). Asking for references also assures you that they have a few clients willing to go to bat for them and that they aren’t burning bridges left and right. This can be a request for client video testimonials, statistics on past long term client relationships (length of engagement, video budgets, etc.), or just some contact info in order to reach out on your own. While you may expect to get a glowing review, talking to references can be a good way to get real anecdotal feedback on things like, how the agency collaborates, what the concepting process looks like, realistic timelines, etc.

Request the video agency describe what it does better than anyone else

Of course you’ll want a quick background on the agency that’s responding to the RFP even if you’ve already sorted through their portfolio and website. However, we enjoy it when someone sort of puts us on the spot and asks what we do best, or different, in comparison to the other agencies out there.

Outside of learning more about this potential partner and where they shine, it also gives you some early insight into how well they communicate value propositions, especially important in the case of educational or explainer video content.

Ask about the video agency’s team make-up

This one is pretty straightforward – who is on the video agency team and what do they do? For larger projects, we recommend taking this a step further and asking who on the team would be involved in the specific potential project at hand.

This helps you better understand the video agency structure, how they utilize various freelance talent throughout production, and allows agencies to add some personality and individuality to their responses through their people. We’re not big fans for resume requests though (lots of individual and personal prep needed there), but if required, think of swapping to asking for Linkedin profile links instead.

The RFP Process

So that’s the rundown on the ideal Video Request for Proposal, at least in the eyes of Demo Duck. So do you just send that RFP, wipe your hands, and await for the top-notch bids to roll in? Perhaps. But in terms of the selection process, here’s our preferred order of things:

  • RFP sent by client to various video production agencies (ideally <10 agencies)
  • RFP reviewed by agency (~2-3 days)
  • Call between company and agency to discuss and clarify RFP contents
  • RFP filled out / proposal created & sent by agency
  • Finalists selected by company
  • Proposal presented via video conference or in-person meeting
  • All bidders notified of the decision (don’t leave your agencies hanging!)
  • Demo Duck selected!

We appreciate that handing the reins of a large video production project, not to mention tens of thousands of dollars, over to a few strangers is no easy feat. After several years of RFPs and client conversations, we’ve found that the above pieces of information and selection process can remove doubt from the decision, amp up the excitement, and, ultimately, lead to a better production in general.

At the end of the day, receiving bids should be just exciting as receiving the RFP and it’s all about how you package it together.

Want a jump-start on your RFP? Download one of our sample templates below!
Demo Duck Video RFP Template (DOCX)
Demo Duck Video RFP Template (PDF)

Blog writer

Colin Hogan

Colin is the Managing Director at Demo Duck, a Chicago-based video production company, who has a deep obsession with making videos as often as possible. Follow Demo Duck on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Link to republished demo duck blog article

In the intricate landscape of the digital realm, the development and design of a website are not merely creative endeavors; they are a meticulous blend of technical prowess and artistic expression. Join us on a journey through the binary alleys and HTML boulevards as we unravel the technical intricacies behind the creation of a website.

The Blueprint in Code: Genesis of a Digital Universe

Every website is born from the womb of code. Meet Alex, a tech entrepreneur envisioning an innovative platform for remote collaboration. The journey commenced with a deep dive into technical consultations, dissecting requirements, and architecting a digital blueprint. The result? A robust wireframe translating into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—an initial code nucleus.

Alex’s vision took shape as backend developers meticulously crafted server-side scripts. These scripts formed the backbone of the website, orchestrating data storage, user authentication, and seamless interaction with external databases. Meanwhile, frontend developers delved into the intricacies of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, sculpting the user interface. It was a technical ballet where every line of code contributed to the symphony of digital creation.

Coding Symphony: Crafting the Virtual Orchestra

With the blueprint as our guide, the coding symphony began. Developers huddled together, orchestrating lines of code that would bring Alex’s vision to life. The server-side script composed the backend logic, databases structured data storage, and the frontend scripting languages sculpted the user interface. The coding orchestra harmonized to create an interactive digital symphony.

The meticulous coding process involved not only functionality but also optimization. Through techniques like minification and compression, the website’s performance was fine-tuned. The digital instruments of Alex’s platform played in harmony, providing a seamless and responsive user experience.

Responsive Choreography: Enabling the Dance Across Devices

Just as a responsive design is paramount, we embraced the intricacies of CSS media queries and flexible grid systems. The choreography extended beyond visual aesthetics to include breakpoints, ensuring the dance of user experience was flawless across diverse devices—from widescreen monitors to pocket-sized smartphones.

Developers engaged in the dance of responsiveness, meticulously crafting code to adapt the website’s layout and design to various screen sizes. This responsive choreography ensured that users could seamlessly engage with Alex’s platform, whether on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

 API Integration Ballet: Seamless Connectivity

For Alex’s platform, seamless integration with external APIs was imperative. The backend waltzed with APIs to enable functionalities like real-time collaboration, file sharing, and user authentication. It was a ballet of data exchange, where endpoints gracefully communicated, ensuring a seamless and synchronized performance.

Developers navigated the intricate steps of API integration, establishing connections that allowed the website to interact with external services. This ballet of connectivity ensured that Alex’s platform not only met but exceeded user expectations, offering a rich and integrated experience.

Debugging Drama: The Dress Rehearsal of Perfection

Every line of code went through an intense dress rehearsal—debugging. This behind-the-scenes drama involved identifying and resolving coding errors, ensuring that the website’s performance was impeccable. It was a meticulous process, akin to scrutinizing every step in a dance routine to eliminate any missteps.

Debugging was the final polish in the technical ballet. Developers meticulously combed through the codebase, addressing issues and ensuring that the website operated seamlessly. The dress rehearsal of perfection paved the way for a flawless digital performance on the grand opening night.

 Security Encryption Ballet: Fortifying the Virtual Bastion

In the cyber theater, security is paramount. Encryption algorithms, secure sockets layer (SSL) protocols, and robust firewall configurations played the lead roles. The ballet of security measures safeguarded sensitive data and ensured that Alex’s platform stood resilient against potential cyber threats.

Developers engaged in a dance of encryption, implementing security protocols to protect user data and privacy. The virtual bastion was fortified, and the website stood as a secure fortress in the ever-evolving landscape of online threats.

 Launch: The Digital Curtain Rises

The grand opening night arrived—the launch of Alex’s collaborative platform. Behind the scenes, the culmination of technical intricacies met the audience’s eyes as a seamless, performant website. It was a moment of technological triumph, where every line of code and security measure came together to craft a digital masterpiece.

As the digital curtain rose, users across the globe were welcomed into a virtual space that seamlessly blended creativity with technical excellence. The culmination of months of meticulous development and design, Alex’s platform stood as a testament to the symbiotic relationship between art and technology in the digital age.

In the ever-evolving landscape of website development and design, the technical ballet is a constant. As we navigate the digital tapestry, we understand that each website is a technical marvel, a symphony of code and creativity that shapes the digital narrative of tomorrow. The journey from code to creation is a dance that continues to unfold, creating a harmonious blend of innovation and expression on the vast canvas of the internet.

There are basic types of videos for marketing your business online, your product, your service or yourself in the market. It’s easy to learn how to make videos with amazing sales videos. Each type of video marketing strategy has the advantages, but some can be expensive while others may look cheap and ineffective. Here’s a quick and easy explanation of the types of videos for the market at various stages in the sales conversion path.


Broadcast Quality Video

Broadcast quality video is a high-quality product that can be kept on the television network as explainer video. Production of such a video usually requires the use of a scriptwriter, producer, director and a group of actors. Generally, the final product is very impressive, but the cost of this production can be scary.


Web Quality Video

This video quality will be marketed in such a way to broadcast quality in web style; This product is a large part of that production is located on your shoulders, and you will normally provide text, pictures, and sound. The end result may be a little lower, but the cost of this product may be higher than your budget, usually around $ 1,000 per minute for the final video product. However, you and your employees will want to pay you by trying to create high-quality text and sound time.

The Tutorials

The tutorial is one of the favorite ways of the market on YouTube. That’s because you do not buy anything completely … you help people. You can make a tutorial about anything. It’s easy, it helps other business owners and in the end, it helps you too. People want to show your website or blog because they find you useful and will continue to come back to your more videos because if you help someone do what you like.

Whiteboard Animation Video

Clips for animation can reduce the cost of using video for marketing and can get online these days. These are mainly non-personal slideshow production sites, which provide all images and text. The computer program then connects your input to a video template with some input. This presentation is similar to PowerPoint, or you can see a photo collection that describes a business or product. If you have a reservation to speak in front of a video camera then you can actually start this type of video. This will definitely help you increase your confidence. Many of these services are free as a promotion for high-quality video production services at high prices. The main drawback here is definitely an overview, without the addition of compelling personal involvement with a potential customer, the place that you used in the name of your video, which reduces your message.


Product demos

To some extent production sites are similar to animation, but professional
input and comments are from a real person, with a video review product or service and offer some recommendations to it and people go and buy it If they wish they can do so. This kind of video is good for affiliate shows. Professional slideshow production will provide custom background templates and music clips where your pictures and text will be placed. With this video production type, you can create an easy video slideshow to promote your product or service. The demo is similar to “how to” video, but it is actually a real demonstration of a product on the screen. There is a mixer company in the United States, and they do a lot of videos about their products. He took the iPad and placed it in a blender and mixed it. Viral video is gone. What they were showing was that they could mix not only some soft but also solid metal things.


Promo video

You can make some announcement promotional videos where you do not do a lot of these ads, but if you have put a lot of them, you can get a warning from YouTube. This type of video also allows a dedicated approach to displaying specific presentations, targeting your market, drafting again or re-using, the possibility of text and images are already available to you. In addition, you own the product without any promotional material that constitutes a production company in your video. For online marketing, or local business, or small business owner or entrepreneurs, professional video production shows slide becomes the most effective means of making the cost to video edge. Another good idea is how to create a video with the clip. Use of these services provides input into professional promotion, as well as professional videos and your video marketing strategy while helping to reduce the cost of your promotion video.


Website content management systems (CMS) are software applications used to manage, create, and publish digital content on websites. They provide an intuitive interface that allows non-technical users to update their websites without knowing any programming languages. Many different types of CMSs available, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Drupal is one of the most popular CMSs, and it offers a range of features that make it an excellent choice for many different types of websites.


Open Source CMSs

Open-source CMSs are software applications whose source code is freely available to anyone who wants to use, modify, or distribute it. This means that developers can modify the software to suit their needs and that users can benefit from the community’s collective knowledge and expertise. Drupal is an open-source CMS, and this is one of its biggest strengths. Developers can modify the software to suit their needs, and users can benefit from the community’s collective knowledge and expertise.

Proprietary CMSs

Proprietary CMSs are software applications whose source code is owned by a company or individual. This means that users are typically required to pay a license fee to use the software and have limited access to the source code. Proprietary CMSs can be a good choice for businesses that require a high level of customisation and support. However, they can be expensive and may offer different flexibility and community support than open-source CMSs.

Cloud-based CMSs

Cloud-based CMSs are hosted on remote servers and accessed through a web browser. This means that users cannot install software on their computers and can access their websites from anywhere with an internet connection. Cloud-based CMSs can be a good choice for businesses that need more technical resources or infrastructure to manage their servers. However, they can be more expensive than self-hosted CMSs, and users may need more control over their websites.

Self-hosted CMSs

Drupal is a self-hosted CMS, and this is one of its biggest strengths. Self-hosted CMSs are installed on a user’s own server or hosting account. This gives users complete control over their websites, and they can customise the software to suit their specific needs. Users have complete control over their websites, and they can customise the software to suit their specific needs.

Headless CMSs

Headless CMSs are a type of CMS that separates the content from the presentation layer. This means that developers can use the CMS to manage the content and then use their tools and frameworks to display the content on the website. Headless CMSs can be a good choice for businesses that require high customisation and flexibility. However, they can be more complex to set up and manage than traditional CMSs. Drupal also offers headless CMS capabilities, allowing users to manage content independently of the presentation layer and providing greater flexibility.

In conclusion, many different website content management systems are available, each with strengths and weaknesses. Drupal is one of the most popular CMSs and offers a range of features, making it an excellent choice for many different websites. As an open-source CMS, Drupal is highly customisable and benefits from the collective knowledge of its community. It is self-hosted, providing users with complete control over their websites, and it also offers headless CMS capabilities, providing greater flexibility and customisation options. Drupal is a powerful CMS suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries, making it an excellent choice for building and managing a website.

Homepage   Your homepage is your storefront. In a few seconds, a site visitor will make a decision whether your website is worth exploring or not. In a brick-and-mortar business, no one will even dare come in if they do not know what your store is selling, unless if you are a popular brand like Nike. So what things should be there on your homepage to make customers engage?   It Should Tell People What You Do You can use a picture or you can use a sales copy. Whatever it is, your landing page must be bold and direct.

Your Value Proposition

It should tell people who you are and what they can expect from your website. If you are a cooking expert, then you have to use daring pictures of food, or words like “recipes.” This tells people right away what your business is and if it is of interest to them.   It Should Tell People Who You Service Not all online businesses serve the whole world. At the very least, your homepage must immediately give a hint about your target market. This is why many landing pages start out with questions like “Need to Grow Your Business?” instead of “Get 10% off!” It tells people that they landed on a site for people who need to help them achieve their business goals. If you only service South Africa, then this must be included in your banner.

Solution You Are Providing

It Should Tell People What Problems You Solve The only reason people will come to your website is if they have a problem. If your homepage does not clearly explain the problems you can solve, your visitor is not likely to engage. An example of a problem is poor sales. Your landing page must indicate that you can solve this problem. And again, if you are servicing South Africa, the proposition must include this.

Call To Action

It Should Have a Bait and a Hook The bait is the solution you offer. The hook is your call to action. Once you have presented what you do and what problems you can solve, your front page must include an offer as a free trial. The hook is a word that tells the customer to do it now because if he doesn’t, he will miss a precious opportunity to solve his problem.

Your brand and Slogan

It Should Have Your Brand and Slogan Your brand is who you are. Your logo is what gets imprinted in your customer’s mind. Without a well-designed logo, your front page will not deliver a strong message. It is nothing more than a sales copy. Your slogan must appeal to the person’s emotions. It must be strong. If you think of Nike, it says “Just do it.” It encourages people to have courage. You must have a slogan that imbues your logo with a strong message. 

Resource or Product offering

 It Should Have Link to Resources The resources page can be a blog, a video, or a tutorial. It does not matter. Your customer went to your landing page and this is the best opportunity to redirect them to pages that will help them understand what value you can provide. Do not expect visitors to make a purchase right away. What you need to do is direct them to pages that will convince them of your claims.

Clear Terms  and Conditions

It Should Have a Footer This is different from the resources page. The resources page are focused on the value you provide. The footer page is dedicated to legal requirements and your policies. This can also contain a link to your “About Us” section and a link to the “Contact Us” area. All your terms and conditions must also be placed here so the visitor has visibility about everything. Transparency is one thing you should not deny a consumer.

Easy Navigation On Website

It Should Have a Menu A menu is a navigation tool that easily allows your customers to explore your website. Many landing pages do this by creating a header menu or a sidebar menu. This navigation tool must be concise. Organize it in such a way that each selection tells the consumer where he will be taken if he clicks on it. A link to Shipping Rates tells the consumer that if he clicks this, he will be taken to a page about shipping costs. A menu that says Products tells the consumer that he will be able to see what you offer if clicks it.

Summary There was a time when web pages were designed with too much clutter. Today, the global trend is to keep your homepage sweet and simple. It has to lean towards minimalism, which is the perfect embodiment of “less is more”.     BWD Advertising is at the forefront of this. We are a marketing agency and we have great ideas to share with you. We can help you make your website deliver more results, increase engagement, and make a lasting impression to your visitors. Your homepage is a locked door to get sales and engagement. We have the key to open it.

A well-designed website can significantly impact your law firm’s credibility, visibility, and client acquisition. However, creating a professional and effective website requires expertise that might be beyond the scope of your legal practice.

How do you choose the right agency for your law firm? 


1. Define Your Goals and Needs

Before you even start searching for a website design agency, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your law firm’s goals and needs. Are you looking to establish a brand identity, showcase your legal expertise, attract new clients, or improve user experience for existing clients? Defining your goals will help you communicate effectively with potential agencies and assess whether their capabilities align with your vision.

2. Research and Shortlist

Begin by researching website design agencies that specialize in working with law firms. Look for agencies with a portfolio that demonstrates their ability to create professional, user-friendly, and visually appealing websites. Check if they have experience working with legal professionals and if they understand the unique requirements of the legal industry

3. Check Portfolios and Case Studies

Review the portfolios and case studies of the shortlisted agencies. Examine their past projects to see if they have created websites for law firms or similar professional service providers. Pay attention to the design aesthetics, functionality, and user experience of the websites they’ve developed. This will give you insights into the agency’s design style and technical proficiency.

4. Read Client Testimonials and Reviews

Client testimonials and reviews provide valuable insights into the agency’s reputation, communication skills, and ability to meet deadlines. Look for reviews on third-party platforms and the agency’s website. Positive feedback from past clients indicates a level of satisfaction with the agency’s services.

5. Evaluate Their Approach

A reliable website design agency will take a strategic approach to website development. They should be willing to understand your firm’s brand, values, and target audience. Ask about their design process, including how they gather requirements, create wireframes, design mock-ups, and handle revisions. A collaborative and iterative approach often leads to the best results.

6. Consider SEO Expertise

An effective website not only looks good but also ranks well in search engines. Inquire about the agency’s knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO) practices. A law firm website that is optimized for relevant keywords and follows SEO best practices is more likely to attract organic traffic and potential clients.

7. Discuss Content Management Systems (CMS)

Ask the agency about the content management system they recommend for your website. A user-friendly CMS makes it easier for you to update and manage your website’s content without requiring extensive technical knowledge. WordPress, for example, is a popular choice due to its flexibility and ease of use.

8. Budget Considerations

Website design costs can vary significantly based on the agency’s experience and the complexity of your project. It’s important to have a clear understanding of your budget and inquire about the agency’s pricing structure. Remember that investing in a high-quality website is a long-term investment in your law firm’s success.

9. Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication is crucial throughout the website design process. A reputable agency should be responsive to your inquiries, transparent about their progress, and open to incorporating your feedback. A collaborative partnership will lead to a website that aligns with your vision.

10. Arrange Consultations

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, arrange consultations or meetings with the shortlisted agencies. This will allow you to discuss your goals in detail, ask questions, and gauge their level of enthusiasm for your project.

In conclusion, choosing a website design agency for your law firm requires careful consideration. By defining your goals, researching, evaluating portfolios, considering SEO expertise, and maintaining open communication, you can select an agency that will create a website that enhances your firm’s online presence and contributes to its overall success. Remember that a well-designed website is a powerful tool for attracting and retaining clients in the competitive legal landscape, and we are the best when it comes to website design for your Law Firm.



Many options are available when choosing your website’s content management system (CMS). The choices are endless, from open-source CMSs like WordPress and Joomla to proprietary ones like Adobe Experience Manager and Sitecore. However, if you’re looking for a premium CMS that allows you to build a custom experience without limitations, Drupal should be your top choice. 

Why Drupal?

Drupal is an open-source CMS widely known for its flexibility, scalability and security. Drupal provides complete control over every site element, from the design and layout to the functionality and user experience. Unlike other CMS platforms, Drupal allows developers to customise every aspect of their website without any constraints.

Drupal can handle complex websites with compelling content and traffic, making it an ideal choice for enterprise-level websites. WordPress and Joomla can help handle large amounts of data. They may require additional plugins and customisation to achieve the same functionality and scalability as Drupal.

Security Features

Another area where Drupal shines is in its security features. Drupal is known for its robust security measures to protect websites from hacking attempts and data breaches. Drupal’s dedicated security team monitors the software for vulnerabilities and releases regular security updates to keep websites secure.

Regarding proprietary CMS platforms like Sitecore and Adobe Experience Manager, Drupal has several advantages. For starters, Drupal is an open-source platform, which means it is free to use and can be customised to meet specific needs. In contrast, proprietary CMS platforms often come with high costs and may require additional licensing fees for specific features and functionality.

Drupal also has a large community of developers and users who contribute to the platform’s development and provide support to users. This means that Drupal users can access a wealth of resources, including forums, documentation and plugins, to help them customise their websites and troubleshoot any issues they may encounter.

Compared to WordPress, another popular CMS platform, Drupal has several advantages. While WordPress is known for its ease of use and simplicity, Drupal provides more advanced functionality and flexibility. Drupal is designed to handle more complex websites and can be customised to meet specific needs, whereas WordPress is better suited for smaller, more straightforward websites.

In addition, Drupal has a more robust architecture than WordPress, which makes it more secure and better equipped to handle large amounts of traffic and data. Drupal also has a more efficient content management system, allowing faster page load times and improved user experience.

Unlocking the Potential of Drupal

In conclusion, when choosing a CMS platform, Drupal stands out as a premium software that offers complete customisation without limitations. With its flexibility, scalability and security features, Drupal is an ideal choice for businesses and organisations that require a high-performance website that can handle complex data and large amounts of traffic. While other CMS platforms like Sitecore, Adobe Experience Manager and WordPress have their strengths, Drupal remains in a league of its own regarding providing an exclusive user experience.





When it comes to developing a successful marketing campaign, there are several vital steps that you need to follow. This blog will look at each step, giving you a comprehensive guide to the entire process.


Step 1: Set Your Goals

The first step in any marketing campaign is to set goals. What do you want to achieve? Are you looking to increase sales, generate leads, build brand awareness, or anything else? Whatever your goals, make sure they are specific, measurable, and achievable.

Step 2: Define Your Target Audience

Once you have goals, it’s time to define your target audience. Who are you trying to reach? What interests, needs, and pain points? The more you know about your target audience, the more effective campaign will be.

Step 3: Choose Your Channels

Next, it’s time to choose the channels you’ll use to reach your target audience. Will you use social media, email marketing, content marketing, paid advertising, or a combination of these? Consider which channels will most effectively reach your audience and achieve your goals.

Step 4: Brainstorm Ideas

With your goals, target audience, and channels in place, it’s time to start brainstorming ideas for your campaign. This is the fun part! Gather your team and start generating ideas for content, promotions, events, and anything else to help you achieve your goals.

Step 5: Develop Your Plan

Once you have your ideas, it’s time to start developing your plan. Create a timeline for your campaign, including critical content creation, promotion, and launch dates. Ensure everyone on your team knows their roles and responsibilities and that you have a plan for measuring your success.

Step 6: Create Your Content

Now it’s time to start creating your content. Whether you’re writing blog posts, filming videos, or designing graphics, ensure everything you create is tailored to your target audience and supports your campaign goals.

Step 7: Promote Your Campaign

Once your content is ready, it’s time to start promoting your campaign. Use your chosen channels to spread the word about your campaign and build excitement among your target audience. Be sure to track your results to adjust your strategy as needed.

Step 8: Launch Your Campaign

Finally, it’s time to launch your campaign! Ensure everything is in place and your team is ready to handle any questions or issues. Keep promoting your campaign throughout its duration, and remember to measure your results and make any necessary adjustments.

Tips and Tricks:

While the steps outlined above will help you develop a successful marketing campaign, there are a few additional tips and tricks that can help you take your campaign to the next level:

Be Authentic: Consumers today are looking for authenticity from brands. Ensure your campaign is true to your brand’s values and messaging and feels genuine to your target audience.

Use Visuals: Visual content is more engaging and shareable than text-based content. Use photos, videos, and graphics to make your campaign more appealing and memorable.

Offer Value: Consumers are bombarded with marketing messages every day. Ensure your campaign offers value to your target audience, whether valuable information, exclusive access, or a special deal.

Keep it Simple: A complex campaign can overwhelm your team and audience.